• There are six types of Grid certificates
    1. end-users should get Grid Premium
    2. Grid Host SSL UC is the proper eScience SSL server certificate; Grid Host SSL (without UC) is useless
    3. end users asking for a robot by default should get Grid Robot Name
    4. Grid Robot Email is for collaborative operations teams with a security incident response capability (at least they have to react to inquiries within one business day)
    5. Grid Robot FQDN is for OV vetted servers, administred by forks who can react in one working day
  • In eScience Grid Certificates, long term stability of names is very important as ownership of data sets is coupled to the exact content of Distinguished Names. This is a subject that will be repeated in the wiki page on Validation of Organisations. David Groep himself explains the following.

  • In the transition from Comodo to DigiCert, there are a few things that will ease the transition for the subscribers, and in particular for the end-users of the eScience Personal certificates. Some of these merit specific attention by the subscriber, i.e. the university, research organisation or more generally the customer organisation itself. In the DigiCert testing phase we tweaked the service long enough that the migration can - in most cases - be completely transparent for end-users (i.e. the humans inside a subscriber organisation).

  • The name of an organisation is (pre) validated by DigiCert before you can get certificates for it. The name is based on data provided by the administrator. It is specifically important that the NAME of the organisation is EXACTLY the SAME as the name that was set in the Comodo service in the Confusa eScience Personal portal(s) - including the same capitalisation.


  • I used to have in my eScience Personal certificate as issued by Comodo:
    /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Nikhef/CN=David Groep davidg@nikhef.nl
    and from DigiCert I now have
    /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Nikhef/CN=David Groep davidg@nikhef.nl
    which is the Right Thing.

  • End-users need to get the same subject name as they had before. This name is habitually used as the 'owner name' in long-term data archives, and for defining community membership.

    • if the name were to change, end-users will likely loose ownership of some data and have to go through a more involved process to retain community memberships automatically.

    • the structure of the DigiCert client certs was specifically tuned so that the transition could be fully transparent to end-users, so it's a 'sales benefit' as well.

    • if your institution(s) choose a service-targeted identifier ('ePTID') as the unique key for eScience Personal certs, users unfortunately still have to re-enrol and take special actions. For the (majority) of the institutions that used 'eduPersonPrincipalName' as the unique identifier, it is all fine and well.

  • If your preferred organisation name contains non-ASCII characters, please  also  enrol the corresponding ASCII-fied organisation name next to the original name - with the same caveat as above - so that client-certificate end-users and administrators can select that one for use with the distributed computing infrastructures.

  • The certification and (identity) vetting requirements for regular and eScience ("Grid") Personal certificates are exactly the same; there is no reason not to offer eScience (Grid) certificates if you already support regular (Digital Signature Plus or Premium) Personal certificates for the same class of end-users.

  • For eScience SSL, in SERVER ONLY certs, the name will change: for compliance with public trust requirements ("CABforum BR"), the ST and L fields will be added. So a server that using the Comodo service looked like
    now looks like
    Since the certificates have to be publicly trusted, this is unavoidable. But then server SSL certs are not usually the ones 'owning' data, and not usually have community membership themselves. And this change is essentially 'reverting' the DCV change that was imposed on us by Comodo in February 2013.

  • The TCS service now also offers "Robot" certificates often used with science gateway portals and such.

  • There are special 'by-passes' (in policy and technically) to issue low-volume eScience Personal certs directly from the DigiCert portal; of course after appropriate vetting and validation of the applicant, and by adding what would have been the uniqueID (like ePPN) by hand to the Recipient's Name. Higher volume eScience Personal certificates wiil come from an infrastructure that couples Identity Providers via SAML to a special server. This is expected to behave as people were used via the eScience Personal portals in the Comodo period. In February 2015, setting up this infrastructure is still work in progress.

  • Refer to the Documents page to find out more on how to issue client and grid certs using the 'by-hand process' model.




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