From:                                         Alan Lewis

Sent:                                           02 April 2019 10:46

To:                                               Mario Reale

Subject:                                     IdP as a Service Business Canvas

Signed By:                      


Hello Mario,


I think we have begun a useful discussion to try and work out the possible business models for the IdP as a Service activity. I have uploaded the canvas we are using to the WIKI with the comments I captured on the ‘Value Propositions’ section.

Here in brief is what I think we agreed:


  1. The key problem we are solving is for institutions who don’t have the capability to join a federation since they cannot setup and operate an identity provider;
  2. The value proposition is captured by the statement ‘Identity without the effort’ (although it could be stated better);
  3. The scope of the solution (platform) we can offer is centred on identity, integration with federation capability is functional and outside scope;
  4. The platform is focused on offering cloud-based IdP to institutions either directly or via an NREN or GEANT;
  5. The exact nature of the delivery mechanism (service or software solution) is to be determined;
  6. We believe we have sufficient evidence from the survey to confirm this is a real need – even though some time has passed since the survey.


It would be useful to see what similar solutions exist that could meet the need or if a different approach has made this solution unnecessary;


Next time we can work through the right-hand side of the canvas to look at the customer and revenue side of things.


If you have any thoughts before we next meet we can discuss on email or slack.

I’m not sure if you have everything covered for the end of Sprint demo, but if you are short of things to show one things we could show and explain is what we are doing with the
business canvas. It’s not a technical demo, but it might help people understand the thought process that is going on.


Best regards





Alan Lewis

Trust and Identity Services Product Manager


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