Federation Statistics State of the Art Poland: nothing Miro F-Ticks model, applied from eduroam syslog message to as many as you like collectors send different messages to different collectors displays graphs working in eduroam standard: with and without user identifier, user-id hashed UK: mixture raptor mainly, not hugely deployed it's heavy weight generic accounting tool, log analyser more options in summer, run server bit for institutions syslog service for those probably who do not want to run such a extension plans for nicer web interface event-based 3rd party suppliers, currently per email for edugain: raptor, f-ticks; interface needed between federations/inter-federations profiling could theoretically be done, not released to any other customers, only giving aggregated information in the end GNTB approach for statistics hierarchical solution, more detailed information at entity level than at inter-federation level output/statistics depends on use case f-ticks: can collect different information at different places logstage: it is used for monitoring systems elasticsearch fine grained distribution of data filtered for a specific target parsing logfiles locally, standard for sending information f-ticks is a format, way to write logfiles problem is to require anything from the customer what's edugain and what's local and what's federation f-ticks standardized either all SPs or only SPs from other federations is it worth the effort to filter out federation-connections? probably not don't expect much, representative sample it is probably not possible to get all statistics pictures of different statistics raptor can ask LDAP to correlate information Lalla standardised format of logs decide which information we need what stads are for, what we need, do we get it, comment log format most important federation and inter-federation. edugain aggregator event based or aggregated from federation implemented into FIM software? biggest problem is institutions - what can they send Architecture Future