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3rd Board meeting

27 April, 2018





Agenda itemsNotes
1) Response to the paper-based preliminary EC review (M12).Peter is writing a document...
2) Re-submission of rejected deliverables until M18 (in time for the EC review as the latest)WP leaders
3) Production of new deliverables due to M18

See timeline...

Make sure that content matches DoW, if not explain.

Quality control!

4) Finance report Q6 for the EC review. Implement budget shifts in Budget_v11Currently collecting Q4 and Q5....
5) Temporary Project Coordinator until the EC review (Thursday, 13 September 2018, in Luxembourg)Licia Florio, GÉANT - AARC2 Project Coordinator
6) New project coordinator after the EC reviewTo be hired by GÉANT.
7) Information to GA and all project partners!Peter to send out, Board to respond.
8) AoB

2nd Board meeting

27 September, 2017



1-270917 Peter to distribute the agreed OKR document to all Up2U project partners. Define the main focus of the project's expected impact.

Deadline ASAP.

(tick) Done on 19 October.

2-270917 Urge the technical work packages to start piloting with alternative LMS platforms (OpenEdX, Canvas). Peter to organize an Architecture Review Meeting.ASAP.
3-270917 Organize virtual all-hands meeting in the next coming two weeks and encourage the work package leaders to organize face-to-face technical meetings to solve the critical issues.

In two weeks.

(warning) Difficulty to schedule such a meeting. Peter sent an email update to all.

(tick) On 19/10/2017 11:00, Peter Szegedi "All-hands update on the latest status of Up2U"

4-270917 Peter to follow up with partners who are deviating from the linear financial progress and ask for clarifications.Deadline next Board meeting and/or Q3 report.
5-270917 Peter to distribute the agreed new budget table and ask for further modification requests to be implemented in the next round.

Deadline ASAP.

(tick) Done on 28 September.
