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Comment: Add todo section and fixed typos


The current infrastructure tightly couples services with the server it is deployed upon.  The following describe describes a setup which maintains the coupling of the service to a specific server but uses service discovery tools and DNS to advertise services dynamically.  


Services are advertised in DNS.  The Consul Servers can by queried directly via a DNS forwarder, for instance, alternatively the Consul server can update GÉANT's DNS infrastructure but by periodically pushing DNS zone files to Infoblox.  A DNS query port on a consul server is a single point of failure so pushing a zone file to Infoblox is a more appropriate resilient solution.

Example for the dashboard service (using the image above)

In the images image above there are two linux (VMs) each running dashboard. In addition node 1 also hosts an instance of cacti and node 2 the bodportal.  Each node runs the Consul agent in "client" mode and registers all the services it knows about with the Consul server.  The consul server periodically assembles all registered services into a DNS zonefile which it pushes to the DNS infrastructure (which in GÉANT is Infoblox).  In the example here, the zonefile will contain two entries for dashboard and one each for cacti and bodportal.


The consul server continues to accept service registrations from consul clients as well as actively monitoring the health of registered services.  So, for instance, should the dashboard instance on node 2 fail, the consul server will identify this and remove the node 2 IP for dashboard from the DNS zonefile.  The next time a client loads dashboard it will only be offered the IP for node 1.


Todo - Low-level design


  • Consul: provides service discovery: client and server modes. 
  • Infoblox: DNS for services


  • - infoblox api used for deploying zonefile
  • consul agent (client) installed on all servers which have services to be discovered


  • quorum of consul servers (3 or 5 Consul servers is recommended)
  • Consul server creates/generates DNS zonefile which is pushed to infoblox.  Zonefile generated often (every minute?) but only pushed to infoblox if changed (need to detect and protect against flapping)
  • service checks for every service include