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The ceremony is held on the Xth 2nd day of month Y November in the year Z 2018 A.D. The physical location is: GEANT Association Offices, Amsterdam.


  1. S. Winter arrives at GEANT Offices with a Raspberry Pi 3. The Pi has the most recent version of Raspian OS preinstalled, with OpenSSL and the hwrng kernel driver, but no custom software.
  2. The VC begins.
  3. All participants to the ceremony agree on a value "n" for the length of the passphrases. Values smaller than 10 are unacceptable.
  4. S. Winter executes the server CA generation script on the host This process takes a long time and runs in parallel with the Client Root CA procedures.
  5. The CA generation scripts which are available online at GitHub get downloaded to a USB stick on a computer in GEANT offices.
  6. The Pri Pi gets powered up and connected to a monitor and keyboard available at GEANT offices.
  7. The USB stick gets attached to the Pi, and mounted.
  8. The scripts get copied to local USB SD card storage.
  9. S. Winter executes the script "CA.bootstrapNewRootCA", answering the interactive questions by the script.
  10. When the script asks for the certificate private key's passphrase, S. Winter makes up a n character password and writes it down on a piece of paper, large enough so that it can be seen when held into the camera of the VC later.
  11. When the CA is CAs are generated, S. Winter executes the second script, "CA.generateNewIntermediateCA".
  12. When the script asks for the certificate private key's passphrase, S. Winter makes up a different n character password and writes it down on a second piece of paperon an existing VeraCrypt volume on his laptop.
  13. S. Winter executes the scripts which generate the CRL and OCSP statements, for both the RSA and ECDSA variants.
  14. S. Winter holds up the passphrase to the root CAs into the camera.
  15. M. Milinovic makes a copy of the root CA passphrase and stores it safely for everafter.
  16. S. Winter makes a copy of the root CA passphrase and stores it onto an existing VeraCrypt volume on his own laptop.
  17. S. Winter makes a copy of the intermediate CA passphrase and stores it onto an existing VeraCrypt volume on his own laptop.S. Winter destroys the two pieces destroys the piece of paper holding the passphrasespassphrase
  18. S. Winter copies all the public information regarding the CAs onto the USB stick:
    -root CA ECDSA+RSA certificate;
    -intermediate CA ECDSA+RSA certificate;
    -root CA CRL ECDSA+RSA;
    - root CA OCSP statement for the intermediate CA certificates ECDSA+RSA.
  19. S. Winter copies the following SECRET information to the same USB stick:
    -intermediate CA private key, RSA variant onlyand ECDSA variants.
  20. The USB stick gets unmounted.
  21. The Pi is shut down.
  22. D. Visser  places the Pi in its physical lockup (safe). The access to that safe is managed internally in GEANT according to local procedures.
  23. S. Winter copies the information on the USB stick to the relevant locations on the VMs.
  24. The group verifies that meanwhile the server CA generation script has finished.
  25. The VC ends.
  26. The ceremony ends.

Client and Server Root CA Procedures

TBD: where exactly is it stored, access controls to physical location

There will be a key generation ceremony. Q to the SM: is it acceptable to take the preparatory steps before traveling to the signing ceremony? Or do everything live?

The Client Root CA is stored in GEANT Offices inside a safe, according to local organisation procedures. None of the persons with physical access have knowledge of the passphrase to the private keys.

The passphrase to the Root CA private keys is known to the Service Owner (M. Milinovic) and S. Winter (DevOps team). Both of these have no access to the physical storage of the key fileTBD: who has the password for the encrypted private key, how is it stored, how is long-term accessibility ensured.