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Nick stated that InCommon have a new engineer... not are able to modify members metadata without positive action by participants. Working to address this.

CAF - is looking at the lack of their MRPS.


Guy asked about ECC certificates. Stefan has tried that. Maja to clarify if the MDS+Validator can do this. Rhys says that ..... Guy has a scenario with HSMs that don't support >2k RSA keys and ECC - smaller new federations might want to use USB based HSMs (Nitrokey, Cryptosick, et al) to gain experience before investing in more costly ones, and many of these still only support 2K keys but do aslo support ECC, so a 3K restriction rules out HSMs. So ECC is a path forward. Rhys said that this should be started and there can be a phased approach to move toward endpoint testing/support for ECC certificates.


 * Nick stated that HAKA requires signed authentication statements rather than encrypted statements for/from SP requests from SPs and this could cause some interoperability problems and isn't included in the next version of SAML2Int.


Miro stated "Catalogue for End Users". Chris suggested "Service Directory". Nick Roy said a quick win could be the adding of search over MDUI Display Name within MET. Tomasz said that the eduGAIN entities database has this feature but lacks URLs. Nick also suggested that having a button/form to request services being exported to eduGAIN could also be made available. Chris Phillips stated that some members of CAF have had the issue that there are services that aren't accessible (because they aren't in eduGAIN). Nick mentioned the ability to decorate entries within MET. Once we have a repository of this data we could drive discovery services via those feeds.

REFEDS 2019 work plan is being prepared.

Common requests for "what's in eduGAIN" from federation.


Scott Koranda is unable to join todays meeting. There are regular SIRTFI conference calls co-ordinated by Tom Barton. At the last call (last Thursday) there was a request to send this information to the eduGAIN SG for their comment on whether the output of the SIRTFI+ registry is likely to be injested into eduGAIN (or how would federations make this available). The TechEx SIRTFI presentation slides are also available to inform the SG of the progress of SIRTFI and SIRTFI+ registry work.
