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titlePilot goals

Please describe the goals of pilot, including activities, participants, the community(ies) that require a solution. Describe when the pilot is done and how to measure the success of it, in a SMART way.

Activity goals

• Create technical implementation based on SIRTFI+ Registry document

• Distil technical requirements from SIRTFI+ Registry document;

• Create/Describe technical design;

• Buy or build (or modify existing);

• Improve trough sprint iterations;

• Interact with SIRTFI working group to improve features if needed.

• Learn and discuss flows and usability in ‘real world’ (Collaborate with LIGO)

• Deploy working setup so it can be tested with stakeholders

• Explore and describe (& implement) authZ architecture in collaboration w/ SIRTFI working group<Enter here>

titleBackground information

Sirtfi Registry Requirements:

Use story description:


titleTechnical details

Please describe the technical details for this pilot.<Enter here>

Initial technical details:

The project is supposed to represent a web portal, where users (i.e. dusters) will access using their federated credentials. The users will, upon invitation, be able to assert Sirtfi tag for the entity under their control. The flow will resemble . The more detailed description can be found here:

titleBusiness case

What is the business case for this Incubator project? Who would be customers of this solution and what would potential business case look like?
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The current plan is to test the implementation, and to determine whether the trust model is satisfactory. Potentially, potential applications of the solution may extend the current Sirtfi+ use case.

titleData protection & Privacy

How do data protection and privacy impact this Incubator project? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of users
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With the federated access and adhering to basic principles of Federated Identity Management (following DPCoCoV2 and, e.g., applicable AARC guidelines), no new issues regarding processing of personal data are foreseen.

titleDefinition of Done (DoD)

Please describe here the set of criteria that the product must meet in order to be considered finished.

<Enter here>Work is done when the initial version is implemented and evaluated.


When this Incubator project is completed, do you intend to continue using the solution? If yes, can you describe how you intent to sustain it? (E.g. through own staff, by using an e-Infrastructure provider, ...)

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