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Table of Contents



Please provide contact details for GN4-3 project participants involved in this activity

Please provide names and contact details for additional (external) organisations involved in this Incubator project

 Commercial proxy operators
titleContact data
NameEmailRoleSubmitter name & email:Niels,

Other participants

Scrum master...Dev...Dev...Mentor
titleContact data of Parties involved
Organisation Name
Person names
Person emailRole within pilot



#Enter the persons who are submitter of the Activity - delete this line after using the template#

Niels van Dijk SURFnet
Klaas WierengaGÉANT

titleGN4-3 project team

#Enter the persons who are participating in the team that works on this Activity - delete this line after using the template#



#Enter the persons who are internal projects or external stakeholders of this Activity - delete this line after using the template#



Christos Kanellopoulos (stale) GRNETeduTEAMS service owner
Davide Vaghetti GARReduGAIN service owner

Activity overview


Many research collaborations as well as campus services need a solution to deal with guest identity, as in many cases not all users are members of the academic Identity Federations.

In several cases these users are working for a commercial company that has a relation with the research community of or the campus. Rather then force these users to use e.g. social accounts to authenticate for academic services, this project investigates if and how the exiting IdM within the companies they work for may be used as external IdPs.

One angle to invistigate investigate here is a possible collaboration with commertial commercial providers of hosted proxy solutions like e.g. Ping Identity and OKTA to investigate of discuss if we can connect to their proxies for shared benefit for to our and their customers.

This pilot aims to bring such Identity Providers into the IDhub solution, and hence into eduGAIN, with formal support from the vendors. It also investigates the (technical) improvements needed to better scale the IDhub solution and will begin a dialog with the service activities to make the pilot move towards a full service offering under the GEANT umbrella.

titlePilot Activity goals

Please #Please describe the goals of pilotActivity, including activitieswhat needs to be delivered, participants, the community(ies) that require a solution. Describe when the pilot Activity is done and how to measure the success of it, in a SMART way. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>


Activity Details

titleTechnical details

Please #Please describe the technical details for this pilot.the Activity. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

titleBusiness case

What #What is the business case for this Incubator projectthe Activity? Who would be customers of this solution beneficiaries of the results of the Activity and what would potential business case look like if applicable? - delete this line after using the template#

  • Public - private collaboration is core to scientific collaborations. 
  • Allow institutions to more easily offer courses to corporate
  • Using corporate IdP would make such collaborators first class citizens; 
  • would potentially improve LoA of guest login; 
  • would enhance eduGAIN as the source of federated identity in R&E
  • NEEDS answer to question what GDPR and liability impact is


#Are there risks that influence either the implementation of the activity or its outcomes?
<Enter here>- delete this line after using the template#

  • (Perceived) legal issues at the companies disallowing this
  • Unable to contact right people at PING, OKTA, etc.

titleData protection & Privacy

How #How do data protection and privacy impact this Incubator projectthe Activity? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of usersusers - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

titleDefinition of Done (DoD)

Please #Please describe here the set of criteria that the product must meet in order to be considered finished. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>


When this Incubator project is completed, do you intend to continue using the solution? If yes#How are the results of the Activity intended to be used? If this requires further engagement, can you describe how you intent to sustain it? (E.g. through own staff, by using an e-Infrastructure provider, ...)

<Enter here>

 - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Activity Results

#Please provide pointers to completed and intermediary results of this activity - delete this line after using the template#






January 1, 2017

Kickoff meeting


(Attach any documents to this page to get them listed.)
