Versions Compared


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titleActivity goals
  • Goals from the FEUDAL perspective:
    • Verify the approach taken (VO based approach, architectural design of components, rabbit-mq for transport)
    • Verify the decision of not  using SCIM  for provisioning (we use the unmodified, augmented information of the userinfo endpoint instead)
    • Deliver a test installation into two or more independent installations. (We already have two in germany, built up by national funding. Using those is not the point, since this would not verfiy the approach taken)
    • Deliver feedback for improvement
    • Verify that from the policy point of view the intended flows can work as envisaged.
  • Metrics for success
    • 100% Success is when an involved local site administrator agrees to integrate the test-installation into a production system.
    • 80% Sucess is when the architecture and design decisions are approved (likely with minimal feedback), but ad-hoc no site willing to integrate with production can be found
      • This is the expected minimum outcome of the project
    • 50% Success is when major components or the architecture are found to be invalid and useless
  • Participants:
    • Resource sites: partners willing to organise access to their site via feudal
    • Central site: partner willing to operate the central components
    • eduTEAMS: we need to integrate with the eduTEAMS ecosystem in term of authentication and group management
    • A Virtual Organisation (VO), i.e. group of participants.
      • That groups PI would manage the group membership in eduTEAMS.
      • Members of the group would test access to provided resources at the sites
  • Activity once users can log in to accounts provisioned on remote resources
  • Dissimate results amoung research communities and including in the InCommon Trusted Access Platform working group

Activity Details

titleTechnical details
  1. Find at least a set of three partners willing to participate
    1. two of them should ideally be willing to provide access to existing resources (e.g. unix or HPC clusters).
    2. one of them should be willing to operate the central feudalBackend and feudalWebclient component
  2. Integration:
    1. the resource sites would need to install a feudalClient (for connection to backend) and to adapt/implement a feudalAdapter (for implementing the incoming provisioning/deprovisioning events to take effect on their sites)
    2. the central site would need to install feudalBackend and integrate with eduTEAMS
  3. Group Management
    1. After initial testing, a PI would be given admin rights for one group in eudTEAMS, so he can add members
    2. The sites would support this group in their feudalClients
  4. Access
    The members can then use the following flow:
    1. Register in the VO
    2. Provision their Accounts via FeudalWebclient (or commandline)
    3. Directly access the resources



We will use this software in our two "Helmholtz" projects HDF and HIFIS in germany Germany for the foreseeable future. As part of this we are working on Version 2 of the two central components FeudalBackend and FeudalWebclient
