Versions Compared


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Code Block
from guppy import hpy
import code
# reset the heap counters

# just print the heap somewhere:
h = hp.heap()
log.debug(f"\nheapy: {h}")

# or possibly interrupt the code execution and inspect the hp object:
code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))

A typical dump in pyFF's mainloop then looks like this

Partition of a set of 117936 objects. Total size = 75634733 bytes.
Index Count  %    Size  % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
    0  1771  2 59385607 79 59385607 79 bytes
    1 25917 22 8466168 11 67851775 90 dict (no owner)
    2 25388 22 2640352  3 70492127 93 dict of pyff.samlmd.EntitySet
    3 23656 20 2232132  3 72724259 96 str
    4 25388 22 1218624  2 73942883 98 pyff.samlmd.EntitySet
    5  6795  6  380520  1 74323403 98 lxml.etree._Element
    6  2501  2  199024  0 74522427 99 tuple
    7   870  1  154828  0 74677255 99 types.CodeType
    8  1024  1  139264  0 74816519 99 function
    9    45  0  127872  0 74944391 99 dict of module
<196 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

Another way of profiling pyFF's memory usage is just following top or htop for a long-running pyFF process, that has a 60s refresh interval. I normally use this pipeline

Code Block
- when update: 
 - load: 
   - edugain.xml 
- when request: 
 - select: 
 - pipe: 
   - when accept application/samlmetadata+xml application/xml: 
     - first 
     - finalize: 
         cacheDuration: PT12H 
         validUntil: P10D 
     - sign: 
         key: cert/sign.key 
         cert: cert/sign.crt 
     - emit application/samlmetadata+xml 
     - break 
   - when accept application/json: 
     - discojson 
     - emit application/json 
     - break

to feed the edugain feed that has been dowloaded using

$ curl -o edugain.xml

Un/Pickling etree.ElementTree object
