Versions Compared


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8 universities in Denmark
17 other higher education and research institutions

Currently active users:

5100 7300 user accounts with meeting host status
80 concurrent users per month (average peak load)
41.700 meeting hours a year


Federated login via [|]. Login supports federated login, as well as non-federated login. 

Federated login sets up user accounts automatically, and automatically creates the users first meeting room. 

We plan to support LMS-integration, supporting systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, Its Learning, Dokeos,  and others


List of feature requests and bug reports in working progress

Bugs version 8.1.2 (reported to Adobe) - priority listed

Windows 7 Add-in 9.4.80: Audio functions react slowly and can stall meeting room

Connect-addin does not detect audio devices correctly

Playback of recordings stutter when using speex codec

Enhanced Audio on Ubuntu cannot be used

Login page does not allow browsers to remember the password (autocomplete = no)

Adobe Connect Mac Add-in chrashes when sharing applications and windows

Slow handling of whiteboard writing on Win 7

Mismatch of keyboard characters sets between Windows/Mac/Linux when screen sharing

Cannot activate: "Allow for distribution of local copies of recordings to end users" (Connect Central: Administration > Compliance and Control > Recordings and Notice).

The webcam video feed sometimes stutters on the Mac platform (1 fps)

Not able to install the Connect 8.1 add-in on Ubuntu version 11.04

We cannot open meeting rooms in Adobe Connect version 8.1 on Ubuntu, in flash player via firefox.

Ubuntu add-in still uses a lot of CPU

Strange frame overlays when setting up a new meeting via Google Chrome on Mac

Feature requests version 8.1.2 (reported to Adobe) Priority listed

Improving and simplifying audio performance and configuration

  • 1. Disable the "Right click anywhere... > Setting" options. Give access to these options under Main menu > Meeting > Preferences. Some of these options may not be important or relevant. I.e we do not understand why it is important that the users have to accept sending audio/video to the server. This is not normal for other systems, and it confuses some users, as the small window for accepting this can be hidden. 
  • 2. Put the Audio Setup Wizard under Main menu > speaker icon AND Main menu > microphone icon. Next, make the Audio Setup Wizard window pop up automatically when Presenters and Hosts enter the meeting room. It is always a good idea to test audio before starting a meeting.
  • 3. Reduce the Audio Setup Wizard to three windows in stead of 6 windows today. The welcome screen is not necessary. Make it possible to select audio device and test audio out, and set volume, in the same windows. Make it possible to select recording device and  make test recording, and set recording volume, in the same window. Third window would be used for the silence test and general settings info. 
  • 4. Under Main menu > speaker icon: make it possible to select audio out device. 
  • 5. Under Main menu > microphone icon: make it possible to select recording device.
  • 6. Under Main menu > camera icon: make it possible to select camera device. 
  • 7. Remove the Main menu > Audio option for Hosts. Enable single speaker mode, can be put under Meeting > Preferences, and the Enable audio for participants can be put under the main menu > microphone option, just like Enable Webcams for participants, is put under the webcam icon. 
  • 8. Consider using the speex codec as default and as the only codec. We understand, and also experience ourselves, that it gives the best VoIP. The extra CPU requirements are small in our testing (5%), and that can be balanced out by using a different video resolution as default. Making the speex codec default would remove the option under Enhanced Audio and simplify the user interface. Only very few users know what this option should be used for today. As we understand it, speex codec is supported in flash as well. 
  • 9. Consider removing some of the options under Enhanced Audio. I.e. it is difficult for us to see a difference between Fast and Best Audio, performance-wise. And is it really necessary to have both the Full duplex option and the full duplex headphones option?
  • 10. Dynamic registration/update of new or removed audio (i.e. USB) devices in the Audio Setup Wizard interface. Often people play with their audio devices, when they run the Audio Setup Wizard, and they don't understand they need to restart the Wizard to get access to new devices, they have just plugged in. 

Easy activation of camera and microphone

  • It should be easier be activate camera and microphone. Today three clicks are needed to activate the camera. One click should be enough. 

Video landscape support (This has disappeared in version 8)

Global configuration of meeting room preferences such as audio codec and video resolution used

Option to remove meetings from My Meetings under Adobe Connect Central

Bugs version 8.0.0 (reported to Adobe)
