Versions Compared


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1b. Allow host/presenters to adapt modify the sound setup of participants, such as: turn volume on, up or down. A feature that 'Centra' has!
Reason: participants don't hear how they sound.

2. Improvement of the Audio Setup Wizard
Reason: It does not make sense, that vital functions such as detailed volume control for the microphone is hidden away under Advanced Setting, which by the way is deactivated by default. Volume control could be placed in Step 3, where it says: "Tune Microphone Volume". If users could choose their audio method setup such as 1. a headset 2. loud speakers 3. speaker phones etc. some more advanced echo cancellation settings could be configured. Next, if you have deactivated Advanced Settings, you are advised to install the Add-In, even though it is installed. 

3. Subadministrator rights for each group (admin interface)
Reason: Our users are assigned to a group for each institution and we would like to assign local administrator right to a person, or a number of individuals, from that group.


3. If you setup a meeting room and add participant to the meeting, you will need to set the role of the participants to presenters, for the participant to get direct access to the meeting room (access via login).
Expected behavior: If you add participants to a meeting room they will all get direct access to the meeting room as participants(access via login).

4. If you make a recording public, and next make it private again, you cannot access the recording. Administrators can rectify the problem by making it public and private again.5. If you configure AC for shared content storage, the content will be configured/compressed/arranged in way, which will not allow you to move or remigrate the content back to the local content folder. No migration tool or direct work around exist.
Expected behavior: I would expect AC to reconfigure and reorder all the content according to configuration settings or at least a separate tool/workaround to exist. 6. When deleting a user, the meetings and content of that user is not deleted
Expected behavior: You would expect that all meetings and all content of a user is deleted, when deleting a user.

75. When remote controlling a Mac from a Windows or visa versa, via screen sharing, special keyboard characters are not correct (i.e. special nordic characters in the alphabet).  

68. You can move a recording to the Content area for better access-control, but you cannot move the recording back to the meeting room.
Expected behavior: You always think you can reverse an action, unless you directly delete an item

9. If you deactivate Advanced Settings under Step 5 in the Audio Setup Wizard, AC believes you have not installed the Connect Add-In, although it is installed. In Step 0 of the wizard, you are advised to install the Add-In.

Issues/Bugs version 7.0 (not tested in version 7.5)

110. http > https redirect only works for login to the applications server and not for login to the meetings

112. You are allowed to setup a meeting room with a URL that contains a dot (.), but you will get an error



3. If you make a recording public, and next make it private again, you cannot access the recording. Administrators can rectify the problem by making it public and private again.

4. If you configure AC for shared content storage, the content will be configured/compressed/arranged in way, which will not allow you to move or remigrate the content back to the local content folder. No migration tool or direct work around exist.
Expected behavior: I would expect AC to reconfigure and reorder all the content according to configuration settings or at least a separate tool/workaround to exist.

5. If you deactivate Advanced Settings under Step 5 in the Audio Setup Wizard, AC believes you have not installed the Connect Add-In, although it is installed. In Step 0 of the wizard, you are advised to install the Add-In.Orphaned files (Juergen, DFN)

Institutions covered, Number of..

Currently: 6 8 universities in Denmark
Currently: 13 14 other higher educational and research institutions Potentially: ??

Users covered, Number of..

Currently: 2050 2700 user accounts with meeting host status
Currently: 60 80 concurrent users per month (peak load) Potentially: ??

Adobe Contact

Adobe Support

Specific individuals:

Kapil Kumar Malhotra: (support)

Ashwani Gupta: (support)

Sanju P. Rajan: (support)

Abhaas Morbhatt: (support)
Ian Ramsay: (support)
Conor Brennan: (support)
Bob Regan: (BlackBoard integration, LMS)
Frank Derienzo: (Fail Over - Load Balancing)


Federated access via established

Federated login via Login supports federated login, as well as non-federated login. 

We plan to support integration with various LMS systems such as Blackboard, Its Learning, Dokeos and others

We plan to integrate with EduMedia media storage repository: users will be able to search, pull and view videos from that repository directly in a meeting Share Pod.
