Versions Compared


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3. Install and setup MySQL:
    yum install mysql-server mysql
    /etc/init.d/mysqld start

    Set root password:
        mysqladmin -u root password “newpassword”
        mysqladmin -u root -h host_name password “newpassword”
        /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
    Create database:
        mysql -u root -p
        create database rightfabric;

4. Setup and run virtual clouddrive webdav module:
    mkdir /etc/rightfabric
    cd .../VirtualCloudDrive-CloudDrive-88d54c2/config/clouddrive
    cp config.txt /etc/rightfabric/config.txt

    vi /etc/rightfabric/config.txt

        change: voldemort = tcp://
        to:    voldemort = tcp://localhost:6666

    cd .../VirtualCloudDrive-CloudDrive-88d54c2/src/clouddrive
    ./sbt console
        :load ./addme.scala
    ./sbt run

    test with cadaver:
        cadaver localhost:9090
            user: maarten
            pass pass: geheim

5. Setup clouddrive website:

     Replace the value of db.password with mysql password on src/main/resources/props/default.props file

     cd     cd .../VirtualCloudDrive-CloudDrive-88d54c2/src/web_clouddrive
    ./sbt update
    ./sbt ~jetty-run

    Open http://localhost:8080 in your favourite webbrowser and enjoy!
