Versions Compared


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The following values should be set:

  • "probe_no" (line 207246) should match the number description assigned to the testtools of the particular WiFiMon Hardware Probe (WHP), e.g. for the WHP assigned the number 1, the value should be "1" and for WHP assigned the description 'wifimon-5' it should be 'wifimon-5 . Assigning numbers to WHPs is possible by appropriately setting the testtool attribute included in the websites monitored by them. More information related to assigning number to WHPs is available in the WiFiMon Test Server installation guide.
  • "WAS_FQDN" (line 166171) should match the FQDN of the WiFiMon Analysis Server (WAS) responsible for processing the wireless performance metrics of the WHP. The above code block assumes that the WAS uses https and port 443.
  • "WTS_FQDN" (line 208247) should match the FQDN of the WiFiMon Test Server (WTS) or the IP of the WTS.
  • LInes 195 Lines 233 to 197 235 can be filled with more information regarding the location of the WHP.

For the disk and memory statistics, you need to install iostat and vmstat packages with the following command:

sudo apt install -y systatsysstat

Step 5: Streaming TWAMP Measurement Results to the WiFiMon Analysis Server (WAS)


sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ntpstat

Step 5: Support for distributed control

sudo apt install -y salt-minion

Edits: In file /etc/salt/minion specify the IP/FQDN of the Salt master at the line "master:". In file /etc/salt/minion_id specify the description of the WHP. This description is "x" as included in WiFiMon testtools (see WTS installation guide)

Note: This setup requires you to name WHP testpages with names matching the WHP description, e.g. for "wifimon-5", testpages should be named nettestwifimon-5.html, boomerangwifimon-5.html and speedworkerwifimon5.html

Security Issues

We suggest that you take additional efforts to safeguard the security of your probes:
