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 Due to to the current situation, this meeting has been postponed to a further notice.


"Smarter tools in a complex network landscape".

: Preserving network integrity


Homerton College, University of Cambridge

"Drawing room", G

How to get there


The venue is 10 minute walk from Cambridge train station, reachable by train directly from Stansted Airport. Trains run every ~30 minutes.

To enter the UK:

You need to ensure your identity documents are valid for the whole of your stay.  For more information refer to - >

There are no COVID tests or restrictions in place in the UK. but please check rules on re-entering your own country. 

Masks are not generally required unless the operator has their own rules so worth carrying one. 

Further details from here - >

Where to stay

  • Travelodge Cambridge Central is closest and best value . (5 mins minutes walk).
  • Centennial Hotel (10 minutes walk)
  • Ibis Cambridge Central Station (10 mins minutes walk)
  • Any Hotel around Cambridge Central Train Station is a short walk from the venue

Remote Participation

Details will follow closer to the date

Meeting ID: 688 3618 9197
Passcode: 30463

Evening Activities

Following the afternoon meeting there will a social event starting at 6:00pm.  This is an opportunity to punt on the River Cam following a route along the backs of the famous Cambridge Colleges.  There will be a small cost in the region of £8/€8 to £10/€10 per person  (CASH ONLY) depending on the final number. More details will be provided at the meeting.

Image Added

The evening dinner is scheduled for 8:15pm (UK local) Tuesday 10th and will be held at the following location.  The cost of the dinner event is covered by the host GÉANT:

Restaurant: Millworks, The Watermill, Newnham Road, Cambridge, CB3 9EY.

Find in Google Maps -,0.1119033,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d870a47e24310f:0xe149c98ab98d52c3!8m2!3d52.199116!4d0.114092?shorturl=1

10&11 May 2022 - lunch to lunch

*Recording available on request. Contact


Tuesday, 10th of May

Register here

Below is the draft agenda of the meeting we have originally planned for May 2020. Future dates: TBC

Tuesday morningYou are welcome to visit GÈANT NOC - get in touch with Tony Barber



Arrival - Lunch
15Welcome by the event's hosts - GÉANT and Jisc13:15-14:15Trials and tribulations of DIY development: the Story of developing an in-house SNMP management tool at GÉANT - Tony Barber, Temoor Khan and Erik Reid, GÉANT
The growth in the services and the changes in the architecture are some of the reasons that have made Géant develop a new SNMP monitoring tool. This joint presentation between network and software engineers will give details about the challenges, the problems faced and the solutions found.14:15-15:15AI Augmented Network Operations - Jean-Marc Uzé, Augtera Networks
This presentation will give an overview of the benefits of applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to network operations.15:15-15:45Coffee break15:45-16:30

WifiMon: Monitoring Eduroam - Kostas Stamos & Nikos Kostopoulos, GRNET

The WiFiMon system is extended with low-cost hardware probes. WiFiMon hybrid approach enriched with the correlation of measurements results with the eduroam logs is capable to provide insights into the operation of WiFi network and eduroam infrastructure. The presentation will provide details of the WiFimon operation and show the results and experience from some demos.

16:15-16:30Flash talk16:30-17:30

Visiting GÉANT NOC

Wednesday, 6th
20 (1400-1420 CEST)Welcome and introductions -  Bram Peeters - GEANT Chief Network Operations Officer/Tony Barber, GÉANT

Orchestration at SURF - Max Mudde

Presentation about the SURF orchestrator, with use cases of how you use it, where to get it, and how to install it and integrate it in existing systems.


BGPlay and RIPEstat - Christian Teuschel, RIPE NCC

RIPEstat is a large-scale information service and the open data platform of the RIPE NCC. This will be an introduction to RIPEstat with a focus on BGPlay, one of its most popular visualisation tools for BGP data.

14:20-14:50NetYce - "How to drive standardization and compliance with network automation"- Wim Gerrits
14:50-15:20Coffee and Tea Break

Streaming telemetry - Raul Lopes, David Richardson, Jisc

Lesson learnt from deploying streaming telemetry, including its usage on RARE (Router for Academia, Research & Education), followed by a discussion on how others are using it.



18:00-19:00Social activity - punting

Dinner at the restaurant "Millworks", hosted by GÉANT

The Watermill, Newnham Road, Cambridge, CB3 9EY.

Wednesday, 11th of May

9:Green datacentres - Nicky Thomson
Climate change should lead us to build datacentres thinking on energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact. This presentation will explain some possible solutions.

GÉANT's new Inventory Management System - Emma Apted, GÉANT

This is a commercial software product purchased from VC4, already used by SURFnet and RedIRIS. An overview of this software, called IMS, and the implementation approach in GÉANT.

10:00-10:30Jisc's SOC - Lee Harrigan-Green, Jisc
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:30Ethernet OAM/CFM and the problems of managing LANPHY Ethernet - GÉANT's Network Engineering Team
Presentation about the experiences and challenges both from the engineering and management points of view to manage LANPHY ethernet. What happens when new equipment does not support it? What workarounds can you apply?

GÉANT Network Refresh Update - Paul Shelswell, GÉANT

An update on the progress made to date in the GN4-3N refresh project. Updates will include deployment status, migration status and decommissioning status along with a look at the top risks, financial status and what is planned for the next 3 months.   


MicroDep Microdep - End-to-end monitoring improves the quality of inter-domain
routing - Otto Wittner, SIKT

Microdep is Sikt's/Uninett's end-to-end monitoring system which both measure and analyse network behaviour on a millisecond time scale. The system has proven to reveal and pinpoint several suboptimal routing
configurations, in Sikt's network, in Nordunet and in the Geant network. The system's architecture and its development roadmap will be presented followed by a live demo.


RPKI - Christian Teuschel, RIPE NCC

This presentation is an introductory overview to RPKI, how it works and some statistics on its current deployment.

10:45-11:15Coffee and Tea Break

Network Automation eAcademy - Maria Isabel Gandia, CSUC

The Network Automation e-Academy team has completed the Introductory material and is now releasing more technical units. In this presentation, we will see an update of the new units and examples of labs for Ansible, NETCONF, NSO, etc ( See more here: OAV Training Portal).

11:4511:30-12:15Flash talks

SUNET NOC flash talk - Jonny Lundin, SUNET

DFN NOC update - Thomas Schmidt, DFN
12:15- 12:30Wrap-up12:3013:00Evaluation and future topics

After the meeting, you are welcome to visit GÈANT NOC - get in touch with Tony BarberGoodbye and Lunch