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27-28 October, 2015

Stockholm, Sweden

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The Task Force is established under the auspices of the TERENA Technical Programme to provide a forum for exchanging and promoting ideas, experience and knowledge, as well as fostering collaborations among National Research and Education Networks and academic and research institutions on web - real time communication solutions, services, developments and deployments.

NOTE that the public TF-WebRTC task force meeting (Tuesday, 27 October) will be followed by the closed meeting of the GN4-1 project SA8 T2 task (Wednesday, 28 October).

Participation for the second day is by invitation only!



NORDUnet is located at Tulegatan in Stockholm

Our office is conveniently located within a walking distance (~10 minutes) of the Stockholm Central Train Station.

Arrival by air


Get on the Arlanda Express from  Arlanda airport and get off at the Stockholm Central Train Station.  Fare is 260 SEK one way / 490 return.  Buy tickets before entring the train. A 100 SEK surcharge is imposed for on board purchase. It is a 20 min. ride.


Prices arond 450-500 SEK, but there is no fixed price so ask before you start the trip. More about taxis here

Walking route from the station to Tulegatan

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Recommended Hotel
Birger Jarl, Hotel
Tulegatan 8
104 32 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 8-674 18 00


For more options use or similar services...

Remote participation

Will be provided...

Quick Links

List of attendees

Recordings are available at NORDUnet


October 27 (Tuesday), 2015


09:00-09:15Welcome to TF-WebRTC & administartiva
Mihaly Meszaros (NIIF), Peter Szegedi (GEANT)  

Setting the scene with eCampus

Ingrid Melve (UNINETT) - remote speaker


Vidyo developments at CERN

Joao Fernandes (CERN)


Zoom at AARNet

Paul Hii (AARNet) - remote speaker


Multi-domain Zoom, Jitsi and the Wowza CDN developments at NORDUnet

Erik Kikkenborg (NORDUnet)


TURN federation benefits in the WebRTC world

Mihaly Meszaros (NIIF)


eduCONF Directory Federation and its potentials to support WebRTC

Bartlomiej Idzikowski (PSNC)


Jitsi hands-on and GN4-1 application network proposal

Franck Rupin, Frederic Loui (RENATER)


Janus basics and applications

Rui Ribeiro (FCT)


Adobe's roadmap for WebRTC and Q&A

Peter Ryce (Adobe) - remote speaker


Last minute updates, AoB, closing

Open discussion

Social dinner (payed by participants)

October 28 (Wednesday), 2015



Welcome, agenda bashing

Jan Meijer (UNINETT)


Status ongoing work & thoughts @ task members

FCT (Rui), NORDUnet (Erik), NIIF (Misi), RENATER (Frederic), GARR (Claudio), UNINETT (Stefan).

10 minutes per person, including time to answer questions.  1 person per organization.

A bit of help of what I'm after:

  • your thoughts on where is WebRTC as a standard/technology?
  • what is happening wrt WebRTC/real time comms in your country and your work for GN4T2?
  • your thoughts on what the SA8T2 should work on the remaining 6 months
  • your understanding of what T2 should have delivered 1. May 2016, what do we point at and say “this is what we delivered”.
  • any thoughts on WebRTC in Y2

Task status and way forward

Jan Meijer (UNINETT), Peter Szegedi ()

  • summary of pre-coffee session (15 minutes, Jan)
  • resource use (Peter)
  • GN4 product management process
  • task objectives and goals, observed status
11.30-12.00Way forward (all)
  • mapping what we want to do on task objectives and goals
  • select items for further discussion in afternoon (all)

Brainstorm discussion about deliverables

Reach better common understanding of deliverables we wish to achieve.  No decision will be made today, we will do that in our next online call. Max. 15 minutes per item.  We won’t be able to discuss all items.  Items we can not discuss will be discussed online in the weeks to come.  I heard many ideas today and in conversations with Peter, Alf and Stefan.  We can not achieve all within T2.

Some examples of what could be discussed:

  • Proposal for Geant TURN service
  • Proposal for Geant “easy to use” group conferencing service a-la Jitsi
  • Proposal for Geant API service
  • Technology scouting: demos with user community.  Engage users. Methodology
  • Prototyping in-context RTC: Shim layer demonstrating integration of
    general web API service, authN, group functionality and WebRTC
  • Roadmap: what should be in it?
  • Vision for future European RTC functionality for our users
  • ??

Demonstrators, service proposals, roadmap, building blocks, agree on methodology for tests/demonstrators with users.

15:00 ...Coffee, departures...