Versions Compared


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Description of Change



October 2019

First draft, comments and revisions

Marina Adomeit, Niels van Dijk, Licia Florio, Michelle Williams, Klaas Wierenga


28 November 2019

For consultation

Marina Adomeit, Niels van Dijk, Licia Florio, Michelle Williams, edited by Gina Kramer

Invited reviewers: Jose Manuel Macias Luna, Anass Chabli, Femke Morsch, Wolfgang Pempe, Pål Axelsson, Davide Vaghetti, Nicole Harris


13 December 2019

Updated subsequent to consultation

Marina Adomeit, Niels van Dijk, Licia Florio, Michelle Williams, 


19 December 2019

Revised subsequent to consultation (comments resolved, changes accepted)

Marina Adomeit, Licia Florio, Michelle Williams, 

v2.013 February 2020

Minor updates in response to final consultation comments from Pål Axelsson (refer to mark up in v1.2 dated 13.02.2020 if more info is required)

Michelle Williams

v2.108 April 2021

Minor updates to composition and voting matters (refer to change log for further details)

Michelle Williams

v3.010 February 2023

Major updates to section 2.1.2 Composition.


  • There is no limit on the number of places on the InAcademia SC - current participants want it to be open to all participating federations
  • eduGAIN SG has automatic membership, and InAcademia Constitution was based on that, 
  • InAcademia SC nuances:
    • Voting was put in place to ensure it doesn’t grow too large to be effective
    • At current rate of growth, using a voting for InAcademia SC is unnecessarily complex 
    • We have found the breadth of membership useful

Updates made:

“The Steering Committee comprises representatives of the various functions required for making strategic and tactical decisions regarding the operation and future direction of the InAcademia service. Its members are:

  • The InAcademia Service Owner
  • A minimum of five nominated representatives of Participating Federations that actively support the outreach activities to their constituents, represent the best interests of R&E Identity Federations in the InAcademia service and have no conflict of interest. The number of representatives should be an odd number that enables effective steering and voting.
  • An Executive representative of the Service Operator.  

If more candidates are nominated than there are positions available for representatives of Participating Federations in the Steering Committee, the Service Owner will initiate a voting process to select the required representatives. In this voting process, each Participating Federation will cast one vote. Steering Committee members that are representatives of Participating Federations are appointed for two consecutive years, after which the nomination and appointment process is again initiated by the Service Owner.

In early life of the service, if there are less than five Participating Federations that are actively supporting the outreach activities within their constituencies, the members of the Steering Committee will be automatically nominated from the Participating Federations, and the ‘minimum of five members’ rule may be relaxed or a wider call for nominations may be made to Federations that are interested in becoming Participating Federations.

New participating federations will be routinely invited to become Steering Committee members; the then current Steering Committee will monitor the total number of members to ensure that it supports efficient decision making.

Add: Participating Federation Representatives may resign from the Steering Committee if necessary, at which point the Federation Representative may propose a new member from its organisation to replace them.”


  • Remove voting
  • Remove tenure
  • Add: make it possible to allow a member to resign and propose a new member from its federation
  • Remove text from early life of the service that is no longer relevant

Note that the Steering Committee reserves its right to revert to a maximum number of members, appointed via a nomination and voting procedure in the future.

Agreed by the Steering Committee Jan/Feb 2023

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview
