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$ ./geteduroam-cli --help
Usage of geteduroam-cli:
  -h, --help                    Prints this help information
  --version                     Prints version information
  -v                            Verbose
  -d, --debug                   Debug
  -l <file>, --local=<file>     The path to a local EAP metadata file

Example flow

$ ./geteduroam-cli 
Please enter your organization (e.g. SURF): surf

Found the following matches: 
[1] SURFnet
[2] SURF

Please enter a choice for the organisation: 2
Your browser has been opened to authorize the client
Or copy and paste the following url:***&code_challenge_method=S256&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A39369%2F&response_type=code&scope=eap-metadata&state=***

Your eduroam connection has been added to NetworkManager with the name eduroam (from Geteduroam)
Your connection is valid until: 2026 Aug 31
$ _

Graphical Interface (GUI)

When starting the GUI you are greeted with an organisation chooser. Start typing the name of your organisation and you will see the matching organisations appear.

When you recognise your organisation, click the name. Depending on the eduroam setup of your organisation, you will be greated with a username/password form,


a URL will be opened in your default browser,

 which wil redirect you to the login screen of your organisation. Once authenticated, you can choose to approve an eduroam connection which will be followed by a screen telling that the eduroam application was Authorized:

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Eventually, the app will tell you that your eduroam connect was succesfully configured,

Image Added

and from here, you will be automatically connected to any eduroam access point in reach.