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 Please send the following information to

Very .namewiki
InformationDescriptionExamplestored in/mapped to (internally)
Technical contact
  • authentication issues
  • security issues
  • privacy issues

Can be a list

Support contact

"Generic" support questions for the actual service

  • how does it work

Usually the application administrators or the teams that run it.

Can be a list.

entityIDThe SAML entityID must be an HTTPS schema based. See and (which has recently moved to
SAML Metadata

A URL to the XML metadata (preferred), or an XML metadata file. This file/URL should be valid SAML metadata containing at least the following elements:

  • "contacts"
    • one technical contact (for dealing with authentication/security/privacy issues)
    • one support contact (for generic application support questions)
  • "name" <= a very
Service name
  • short name to be shown in user interfaces
  • , for instance "GÉANT Intranet"
  • An X.509 certificate for signing requests
Service description

Longer descriptive text , for instance with details like:with at least:

  • The purpose of the service
  • Its intended audience
  • its Its status (production, testing, etc)
  • when it was set up
  • the software type/version it runs

Can contain URLs

Atlassian Confluence wiki, production instance.description
  • The date it went into production
  • The software it runs
Service URLThe actual URL to the main service, for instance https://intranet.geant.orgurlMetadataValid SAML2.0 metadataa URL to the XML metadata (preferred), or an XML metadata file.

Supplied information

The SAML proxy will always provide the following attributes to its downstream services:


SAML attributeexample valueremarks
uidfederated-user-1234Unique user ID, always available.
mailuser@domainDefaults to the string 'invalid_email_needs_updating' if none was provided by the upstream IdP
displayNameRobert WagnerDefaults to the string 'first_name last_name' or similar if bit aren't provided by the upstream IdP
  • GN_Services:GN Project Participants

  • GN4Phase3:WPs:WP9

  • GN4Phase1:SAs:GN4-1_SA3-T4

Multivalued attribute listing the CAMS group memberships.

Our endpoint


Metadata URL
Metadata webpage, if your SP runs SimpleSAMLphp

Service monitoring

At some stage there will be some monitoring set-up, to help ensure the service is conforming to basic requirements. The monitored items are expected to include:
