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Information from the TF-CPR training, individual documents about social media etc. collected by the TF-CPR work item are available to all TERENA wiki users on Home - Social Media in the NREN Community.

TF-CPR Work Item Overview - Domen Božeglav (ARNES)


'Witness Report' - "Safe on the Internet – Use Case" - video presentation by Jasmina Mesić (ARNES)

The ARNES computer security response team has found Facebook to be useful for an awareness campaign about Internet safety.


'Witness Report' - Andrew Cormack (Janet)


accidentally Accidentally discovered blogging as the best platform - 177 posts in 2 yrsyears. Marketing team convinced him to tweet too. Are no guidelines so learning from everyone else - easier to find role-models for blogs than for tweeting.
Blogging on reglatory issues wants it to be reliable but not authoritative, i.e. people trust it but don;'t count it as legally correct. Janet community tells him if they think he's got something wrong but no-one at Janet does. Spends 1hr -to 1 day to produce each blog, and company happy with that. Looks for role models in blogs and twitter - ok with blogs but not with twitter.
Doubles tweets by saying "I'm reading a doc" and then "I've written a blog about it". Would like guidelines on e.g. tone, what to post where etc.

Can't my blog be more than just a way of publishing web content. Moving ? Janet is moving towards Drupal where every JAnet Janet user can set up account and imteract - can interact. Can I e.g. crowd-source updates to old documents like I now do verbally? What is twitter for apart from advertoising advertising blog posts.  Someone in States has been sued for moving companies and taking followers with them.



Quality v quantit quantity - particopant a participant gave a speech In ALberta in Alberta and someone from local govt government said they had read his ctical critical blogs and they decided to change their policy in response.

Question over personal/professional profiles.
Andrew: has clear split as spends no time online on personal basis.

Brian, HEAnet: You can no longer ignore social media. Must have a strategy.

Magnus: The next generation of users have a different way of consuming information - blogs are great way of updating on projects etc. Readers will consume what they want to consume.

Laura: Is it easier possible to post technical information in a SMNR formatformat that is social media friendly like the examples that were given during the TF-CPR training, e.g. prepare a page of bulletpoints, images etc that can easily be re-tweeted etc and point to that?

FCCN: worked on strategy, but decided lack of resource said they would not do that. however However have since started sending out technical information via twitter. Are other NRENs doing this?


Laura: are we putting too much emphasis on social media? would training on how to use socme social media be useful to technical staff?
Decision against organising social media training for techies. Suggestion that more basic communication training might be beneficial.

Cathrin: how do NREN directors experience techies tweeting in the NREN environment? Do PRs not like techies doing their job?
Most PRs are only too delighted if techies get involved because they are normally chasing them for information anyway.

Brian: HEAnet employed a comms manager to boost awareness. Can't be too formal about communications, but a slight relaxation is necessary. Don't get too worried about engineers tweeting. Employees should be trusted to be sensible without saying the wrong thing. They are trusted to do other things, why not trusted to tweet/blog.

?: Social media is happening without policy and/or guidance. We should focus on audience

CANARIE: avoid Avoid too much of a marketing filter - otherwise people

Laura: can we have concrete decisions

Should we bring training in for technical people?

Magnus: we should not have any guidelines

Cathrin – we do need guidelines, stay in areas, stay out so as to encourage involvementwon;t trust what the techies tweet.

RIPE NCC: strategy crafted through workshops involving rep reps from each department. Tweet PR stuff, vacancies, share knowledge. also valuable for learning/training. they ask for feedback on training material. Would Information comes to you easily via social media - would not imagine receiving information any other way. If conversations get going on socmesocial media, perhaps they should move it to another platform (f2f, email etc.) Obviously be careful what you say, just as you would if you went to the bar and started talking to people. 

Andrew: given lots of responsibility, but there is a safety net.

Brian, Andrew, Cathrin, Robin winsor, Marcus and somebody from xxx (Dr Karagiannis Fotis) - all happy to take part in producing guidelines which will be offered to community.

Laura and Domen reminded of wiki and materials available there.











Are guidelines required in this community? Some debate and disagreement. Ultimately a group volunteered to create some guidelines that can be offered to organisations in the community:
Brian Nesbit (HEANet), Andrew Cormack (Janet), Cathrin Stover (DANTE), Robin Winsor (Cybera) , Marcus Vinicius Mannarino (RNP), Paul Maurice (DANTE) and Dr Karagiannis Fotis (IT consultant).

TF-CPR will follow up with this group in early June 2012.