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12:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Opening All Hands in room RIGI

14:00- 17:30 - Breakout meetings. 

eduGAIN Short Term

Chairs -


14:0020: Task 1  new organization (  Subtask A : policy, Subtask B: technical ) - Milestones and Deliverables - Planning

  • How should we operate:  tools for collaboration, vconfs schedule, documentation, repositories
  • Policy - what are the next priorities, the GDPR milestoneTools, monitoring and reporting in eduGAIN
  • SIRTFI and e-Science support

14:30 40 eduGAIN policy review

  • Short update on eduGAIN policy update (Nicole)
  • GDRP is decided and will be implemented in all national law in May 2018. What does this mean for our federations and interfederation?
  • Open discussion to update what is the next steps to achieve the goals around GDRP

15:00 10 Coffee Break


15:30  SIRTFI

  • Deliverable from AARC - comments
  • Current version and planned new version
  •  Incident response within federations and interfederations.
  • BCP for federations - working with/within REFEDS
  • Defined practice for eduGAIN
  • Pilot

16:10 Monitoring  and Statistics  

    • Requirements
    • Current status / activities
    • Planning - light roadmap inc. pilot/handover estimates

16:30 Attribute Release & other eduGAIN tools  

  • Requirements
  • Current status / activities
  • Planning - light roadmap inc. pilot/handover estimates

17:00-17:30 - Buffer time/AOBend


Chairs - Miro & Stefan

  • State of play of sub-tasks. Where are we, what's blocking where, and how to resolve it?
    • eaaS (IdP and SP)
    • end-user diagnostics
    • CAT module updates
    • Let's RadSec!

  • Topic discussions for major choice points in eaaS
    • CA operation
    • end-user download: simplicity vs. options and failsafes
    • MAC address restriction (and associated patent worries)
    • getting invitation tokens to end users - leave unspecified? mail? mail only between encrypting MTAs?

  • Timeline and product development roadmap for end-user diagnostics(!)

  • AO eduroam technology B (there is a life beyond ST1...ST4!)
3rd Floor Office
FaaS/Campus IdP

Starts 14:3045!

Chair - Mario

    •   Final wrap up of the surveys results  ( our one, interesting points from the REFEDS one ..)
    •    Outcome of the Market Analysis : what is there and where. How adoptable ?
    •   Inputs information for the Cost Benefits analysis ; where to start from in terms of costs information ?
    •   Status of the initial design for the new platform : current ideas, how to relate to FaaS, who is contributing, bringing which know-how / skills

18:00 - 20:00

Social Event


09:00-12:00 - Continue breakout groups but you could swap to another one if you’re working in multiple areas.



eduGAIN Long Term

Chair - Maarten Kremers

09:00 - 09:20 Overview OIDCfed work (Presentation)
09:20 - 10:45 Discussion - What is the impact from this work (OIDCfed) on eduGAIN? (Minutes)
What should be the outcome on this work for eduGAIN. Same outcome as for SAML (interfederation) or other options, as it might become a game changer.

10:45 - 11:00 Coffeebreak

11:00 - 11:15 Overview eduKEEP work (User Centric federation) (presentation) (Presentation)
11:15 - 12:00 Discussion - What shoud should be the outcome of the eduKEEP work for eduGAIN? (Minutes)
How does it fit and should merge in the eduGAIN service: Best practices, hanndshands-on support for NRENs, changes in policies ?
12:00 - 12:15 Wrap-up - Summary & action-items   

eduroam meets Campus IdP

Chair - Stefan Winter

How can/should eduroam 'aaS' integrate with FaaS and Campus IdP


Chair - Niels van Dijk 

  • Discussion [all]: 30 min eduTEAMS Roadmap (Presentation Mandeep)
  • Group 1: Deployment [Simone, Kristof, Niels, Mandeep, Mihaly]: Hands-on deployment work
  • Group 2 [Slavek with help from Niels if needed]: Write configuration for database master/slave
  • Group 3 [every body else]: eduTEAMS Website, Umbrella pilot

Further topics to discuss in case deployment is finished.

  • Identity Hub and Member Registration Service Deployment Planning
    • Blockers and their mitigation
    • Timelines
    Discussion: eduTEAMS Roadmap
  • Discussion: eduTEAMS Website
  • Identity Hub: LoA IntegrationDiscussion: Team Coordination
  • Wrap-up


Umbrella meeting: Room "Cristallina" (2. floor) reserved from 13.00 - 15.00

3rd Floor Office

12:15-13:00 - All - reportouts from groups.- room RIGI 

VC Details

Meeting PIN: 4232


Alternatively use the usual search/booking sites. Some people have found nice Airbnb stuff around Badenerstrasse in the past. The area around Langstrasse can be a bit unpleasant so check with someone from SWITCH if you are not sure that a hotel bargain looks too good to be true.

  • Minutes 

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  • Presentations

