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titleGN4-3 project team

MartinSURFTeam member
MihálySZTAKI/KIFÜTeam member
HalilGRNETTeam member
AndrejLITNETTeam member




Davide VaghettiGARRTask lead of eduGAIN service team
Leif JohanssonSUNETHSM operator
Halil AdemGRNETfederation operator

Activity overview


#Please describe the high-level goal of the incubator Activity, provide an overview of the anticipated work and needed resources and skills. Please also describe how commitment from various partners is warranted. - delete this line after using the template#

With the growth of the metadata feeds all over the world, together with the increased need for catering for multiple federations at once, Service Providers are increasingly reliant on the MetaData Query (MDQ) protocol, for Relying Party metadata lookup.
(MDQ is also commonly referred to as MDX (MetaData eXchange) for historical reasons: the name of a mailing list where the spec was discussed.) This protocol is however not widely deploy at this time, due to technical complexity

In addition, for For MDQ there is only one implementation in common use: pyFF. The MDQ protocol is quite simple however, This is a risk as it creates a high dependence on that piece of technology

This activity seeks to simplify the scalable use of MDQ, both for federations that currently operate a MDQ as well as for federations tat do not provide an MDQ service. In addition it wants to create an alternative implementation, next to pyFF, for creating and managing XML metadata.

titleActivity goals

The aim is to deliver EntityDescriptors as flat files in such a way this mimics MDQ protocol and combine that with Global DNS to create a super fast and highly redundant distribution mechanism for MDQ.


titleTechnical details

#Please describe the technical details for the Activity. - delete this line after using the template#

Potential features of such an alternative MDX solution are:

  • Federations must remain in control of metadata signing
  • Solution must not depend on how federations sign metadata
  • Solution must respect SAML metadata ‘business rules’ with regard to TTL

  • Effort for participation in distribution network should be minimal
  • Solution should be highly available
  • Solution should support almost real-time updates

titleBusiness case

#What is the business case for the Activity? Who would be beneficiaries of the results of the Activity and what would potential business case look like if applicable? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>Better uptimes for metadata availability and thus better uptimes for federated identity management services.


#Are there risks that influence either the implementation of the activity or its outcomes? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Complexity caused by the conflicting characteristics of centralizing a decentralized service.

titleData protection & Privacy

#How do data protection and privacy impact the Activity? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of users - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>There is no personal data involved, apart from the technical and security contacts in metadata, which are distributed in the current system in a comparable manner.

titleDefinition of Done (DoD)
  • An alternative MDX solution is designed and a PoC is implemented
  • Architecture overview with MVP
  • Geographically distributed MDQ (geoDNS)
  • A test suite and trial site is created/deployed
  • An infrastructure deployment is tested with some federation operators
  • A documentation for installation and configuration is provided


Activity Results

This activity is still ongoing

An architecture for an alternative MDX solution was designed and a working PoC was implemented according to the specifications.







Incubator all-hands

Niels van Dijk
22.02.22Public demoNiels van Dijk
03.05.22Final demoNiels van Dijk

January 1, 2017

Kickoff meeting

