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What is learning?

"the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught", in other words it is transformative, i.e. leading to a change in attitudes and behaviours; change that over time can be become "permanent", embedded.

How eLearning is different from learning?

"E-learning typically refers to the online interaction between you as a student and the teacher. Basically, you receive the training through an online medium..." 

  • Online interaction is different from F2F

Elearning can be synchronous (live online) or asynchronous (self-paced, independent) -  


  • Real time - personal and professional connections with the tutor/peers and the content, i.e. learning from each other and developing network of support


  • No real time interaction with a tutor or peers
  • No immediate feedback
  • Less collaborative
  • Can feel more isolating

however, it can be well suited to mature adult learners who are used to operating (in their professional lives)  at higher levels of autonomy, have well developed skills of problem solving, time management and who need to pick up skills quickly. This category of learners appreciate an opportunity to make own decisions of how, when and what to learn.

Tools to create eLearning 


Support leaners' autonomy - I need to make navigation throughout the session/module easy so that people can choose what to learn and how much time to spend on each topic - depending on their levels of proficiency

How do I start? Planning suggestions

Create course/module overview


What to considerHow to actionTo include in 

This course/module is about ...

  1. What is (are) the subject/topic (s)
  2. Why this subject? What issues does it aim to address?
  3. List what people will learn
  4. What benefits will it bring to people in terms of ...

Do a brief description

Module/course overview

Target audience: what do I know about them?

1) who this is for (job roles, skills, experiences)?

2) Any pre-requisites

What skills and experience may they already have? What skills

and experience will help to learn this particular subject

Do a brief description:

Module/course overview

Structure/navigation of the module (how the sub-topics are organised and linked


Do a brief descriptionModule/course overview

Context: if this is part of the training programme - how is it linked to previous

subject and related subject

Do a brief statementModule/course overview

Any other useful information for a learner: 

Estimated duration - learning hours

Who to contact for help

Do a brief statementModule/course overview

Course overview template:

  • Course title
  • Introduce the subject - what it is about and what issues it is aimed at addressing ("what is the "pain"?)
  • What is the target audience? Who will benefit from the course?
  • Course structure
  • How to navigate, i.e. pick and choose or need to do all the sections in the order they are presented
  • If any quizzes or assessment - mention it and say what the benefits of doing the assessment activities are.
  • Estimated course duration
  • The course place in the "bigger picture" - refer to the "road map" (i.e. it is recommended that you do the module XYZ first before you start this  course"
  • What people will learn - do not just list the subjects, use action verbs indicating that learning has practical impact, e.g. "... learn how to recognise..." "how to identify...", etc.
  • How to get help
  • What is next?
  • Please do not forget to tag your course - this is important to enable the "search" facility in the future.

eAcademy (GEANT Moodle)

To access the live site: - to log in use the "Log in" in the top right corner

To access the test site:

First step with Moodle - short video tutorial:

How to start:

  1. Access the site and let Irina know. Irina will assign you a rile of a "Teacher" - it allows course creation and editing
  2. Practice/start creating your course using templates, currently labelled "OAV - course 1, 2. 3 etc" (watch the video tutorial first!)
  3. As this is the start of the process GLAD will arrange live online tutorials with Marcel

Design and Develop - tips and suggestions


  • Try to avoid linear design, i.e. do not force learners (unless it is necessary) to go from A to Z making a stop at each letter of alphabet. Create opportunities for learners to choose how and what to do.
  • Use a cascade of topics: multiple-sections, sub-sections to break content into logically organised "digestible" chunks
    • Use clear and logical navigation:

      Use header sections with course titles, section titles, page numbers, etc - be consistent

      Use (consistently) identifies that help learners to navigate and know which part of the module they are.

    • Keep reminding learners of how what they are doing (reading, observing, testing, trying) supports the aim of the module
    • Colour code headings, if appropriate

Designing tips

  • Write in the present tense, ie. "the page displays" rather than "the page will display" - it helps visualisation
  • Helpful semantics:
