Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

DNSDNS zone for eduTEAMSHandoverHas been handed over to eduTEAMS SA2;
Dick and Christos are in the lead, Niels still has access.
Niels, Dick(tick)

Email lists

VOpaas@lits.geant.orgLeave as is--(tick)

eduteams@lists.geant.orgLeave as islist for SA2 DEVOPSChristos(tick)


Currently is routed via list managed at SURFnet.
We want to replace that with a list at GEANT.
Christos will create list and ask Dick to migrate.

Niels will ask for: ->

Dick will add (OTRS endpoint) in the

Christos, Dick,

Niels MX Leave as MX is still at SURFnet, but under control of Dick
OTRSProbably Niels is the lead on this listHandoverProbably Niels is the lead on this list. Christos will inform of change. Akil(eswaran) Radhakrishnan <> Christos(tick)
Intent is to keep the current setupLeave as isTEIP-deploy is the repo that will potentially have shared use. We will use it as a library in the same way eduTEAMS SA2 has been doing it.

SA2 will do a bit of investigation into backup of repositoriesChristos(tick)

Cleanup and ownershipHandoverNiels will check ownership of various repositories and discuss handover if needed, or possibly drop them at all.Niels


Note we will also have to evaluate access to repos because fo GN4-3 team changes

out of scope for GN4-2
WikiMove to a new space so to sync naming with the way this is done for eduGAIN & eduroamHandoverChristos will test moving content and if Confluence handles redirection correctly
Niels Christos will move eduTEAMS MMS service references into hiding.

GN4-2 JRA3 xyz will remain untouchedLeave as isGN4-2 JRA3 xyz will remain untouched
SlackFormalize use-

We want formal use of Slack and Trello for use of the project (Christos requested this on behalf of GN4-3 project)

TrelloFormalize use-We want formal use of Slack and Trello for use of the project (Christos requested this on behalf of GN4-3 project)-
VMs in various placesKifu - Currently we have 31 VMs at KifuReview

Mihaly will provide list of VMs to Niels and Christos. Seems most can go. Stepup and some test VMs for idhub

SURFnetNiels will check list of VMs at SURFnet

JRA3 - SA2 handover



  • We will move to a new space so to sync naming with the way this is done for eduGAIN

  • Christos will test moving content and if Confluence handles redirection correctly

  • Niels will move eduTEAMS MMS service references into hiding.

  • GN4-2 JRA3 xyz will remain untouched.



  • We want formal use of Slack and Trello for use of the project (Christos requested this on behalf of GN4-3 project)

  • No changes needed



  • We will retain the existing boards as a reference but neither JRA3 nor SA2 will not delete remove or of existing board.


VMs in various places


Currently we have 31 VMs at Kifu

Several VMs already suspend without issues (so it seems)

We want to keep the stepup, idhub related VMs




Niels will check list of VMs at SURFnet

  • turned off with any issues
eduGAIN entities

eduTEAMS MMS service

  • Mihaly will spin down COmanage on this machine and create 1 pager pointing to eduTEAMS hosted

  • We will retain the DNS and server for approx 6 month then turn off as well

  • Dick will remove entity from eduGAIN

  • Registry test entities will be remove by Mihaly and destroyed


Various dev/test entitiesHandoverVarious entities used for dev/test were registered by NIIF, we will retain these as appropriate under guidance of SA2/GN4-3 T1Christos(tick)

IDhub test 

Leave as isIDhub test entities exist in UK fed, we keep them for now-(tick)

IDhub(prod)Leave as isIDhub entities exist UK fed, we will keep them for now.-(tick)

Idhub-local.test VM

Removewill be removed by

