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Table of Contents



Name Organisation
Alan LewisGÉANT Association

titleGN4-3 project team

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Nicole Harris GÉANT AssociationGN4-3 GÉANT Operations
Stefan WinterRESTENA

GN4-3 eduroam service development lead

Miroslav MilinovicSRCEGN4-3 eduroam service owner
Davide VaghettiGARRGN4-3 eduGAIN service owner
Tomasz WolniewiczPSNCGN4-3 eduGAIN service operations manager
Dariusz JannyPSNCGN4-3 FaaS service operations manager

Activity overview


The GN4-3 WP5 T2 (Incubator - Preparatory Phase) investigated the applicability of a low-cost open-source HSM appliance developed by Diamond Key Security ( and based on Cryptech ( modules to a set of use cases consisting of GÉANT and other community T&I services.  It concluded that the capability of the appliance was suited to support a range of  GÉANT use cases encompassing, principally, CA key storage and certificate signing together with metadata and code signing, although the current capabilities of the appliance were insufficient for some services that needed higher performance, such eduGAIN MDQ . The Diamond Key enterprise has ceased operating, however the GN4-3 project has already acquired two of the Diamond Key appliances and these have been installed in a datacentre at SURFnet. The objective of this activity is to investigate the demand for an HSM testbed service using these appliances. This will enable interested projects and services, who typically are unable to develop using an HSM, to investigate the use of an HSM to improve the security and integrity of their offerings. Assuming there is demand, this activity will define the goals and scope of such a service, and how the infrastructure should be configured to support it, with the intention of transferring  the on-going management and maintenance to a suitable entity within the GN4-3 project.


titleActivity goals
  • To setup a technical trial of the appliances in order to verify information received during the Preparatory phase and validate appliance suitability;
  • To define the scope of the testbed service that could be offered given the verified capabilities of the appliance and likely operational support that would be needed to run it;
  • To engage with the community to identify the level of interest and estimate the likely demand for such a service;
  • To develop the necessary materials for the operators and users of the service;
  • To identify an entity within the GN4-3 project willing and capable to support the operation of the testbed on a longer term basis. Optionally we could seek sponsoring for the operation from befriended entities.

Activity Details

titleTechnical details
  • Verification
    Verify that the documented technical capabilities of the appliance are as understood from the documentation that was reviewed in the Preparatory phase by testing its performance and support for the required cryptographic algorithms. Although not quoted in the specification it will also be important to understand the overall reliability of the appliance, the redundancy capability and how to setup the appliance(s) to cope with the possibility of failure. The operation of the console management  interface and setup of the master key should be checked, together with the process for setting up user PINs.  The overall security of the appliance  should be reviewed in order to determine the necessary hosting requirements that will be needed to keep test users data secure. In particular we should check that the tamper -detection mechanisms of the HSM operate and there is adequate protection of the management interface to prevent unauthorized access. Check that the outputting of plain text data is prevented and no plain text data appears on the network connection. 
  • Operational Validation
    Determine how suitable the appliances are for deployment as a testbed by exercising them with some relevant test services that will use the PKCS#11 interface in order to understand the 'real-time' performance and how many transactions can be supported concurrently. It is assumed this will have a limiting factor defined by the context switching overhead.
    Check what management operations will need to be performed and whether the administration of the device requires somebody to be physically present.
    Determine the best means to interface the HSM(s) onto the network to ensure logical security and prevent access by malicious actors.
    Determine how interested parties shall register for and gain access the service - who shall be allowed to use the service?
    Consider how the incident management and support process for the service will operate.
    Estimate operational costs of supporting the service.
  • Community Need
    Contact those services who expressed an interest during the Preparatory phase to see if they are still interested in using the testbed service (given the changed circumstances). 
    Prepare a presentation and infoshare on the testbed offering and discuss this with NRENS to gauge the level of interest.
    Identify parties interested to run the service.
  • Supporting materials
    Create a draft usage policy for users of the service
    Create suitable draft documentation for the operators and users of the service
    Develop a usage policy for administrators of the service - exporting of keys,  key usage, authentication etc.



The aim of this activity is to make a testbed service available to interested services and projects within the community.

Activity Results

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January 1, 2017

Kickoff meeting

