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11-12 April 2018

GÉANT Office

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The GÉANT SIG-CISS (Cloudy Interoperable Software Stacks) is proposed to be the successor of the long running TF-Storage task force of GÉANT with a wider scope extending from data storage to general cloud infrastructure software stacks, platforms and research workflows. The SIG brings together those who are building/operating R&E clouds and are willing to share strategy, design, deployment, performance optimization, application integration, interoperability, security and other related information, knowledge and best practices as well as participate in joint efforts aimed at addressing needs of academic environment related to building, operating, brokering cloud services and infrastructure and ensuring their interoperability.

Notes and Actions

Action ItemComments

2.1 - Raise the profile and visibility of the GÉANT SIG-CISS/OSO joint group within the OpenStack Community. SIG-CISS/OSO is a grassroots, self-support, loosely connected group of individuals mostly using the same or similar software stack (CEPH+OpenStack+Kubernetes) for their cloud services platforms. Concrete actions:

a) Register as a specific user group "SIG-CISS" at the OpenStack User Committee (use CERN and SWITCH as anchors)

b) Ask for a generic template to collect information about cloud deployments and map them out in a nice visual format

c) Investigate opportunities to develop a standard, IPv6 optimized, Ubuntu image with appropriate licenses to be shared across the community

Assigned to: Kalle Happonen, CSC

Report at the next meeting (TNC18)
2.2 - Drop the idea of joining the OpenStack Passport programme due to administrative difficulties vs. tangible benefits. Preferred direction forward is in Action 2.1a).No action is required! CLOSED

2.3 - Follow up on Action 1.1 from the 1st SIG-CISS meeting: Create a reusable, federated, distributed fabric on top of existing storage infrastructures with agreed common best practices and policies. Concrete actions:

a) Try and establish multilateral agreements (aka. barter) of storing copies of replicated data in partners' clouds as the first step to a multi-region Amazon S3 alternative.

b) Draft a 2-pager "specifications for a proof-of-concept" architecture; using the idea of distributed CEPH/RADOS gateways behind a central common front-end.

Assigned to: Jan Ivar Beddari

Strawman document is being drafted.

2.4 - Follow up to Action 1.3 from the 1st SIG-CISS meeting: Reference architecture and implementation sandbox for OCM. Concrete actions:

a) Ownership, IPR, processes and governance around the "OCM Group" - currently hosted by GÉANT and led by ownCloud, CERN and GÉANT - must be better formalized. Draft the idea using elements of the GÉANT Greenhouse Service.

b) Working code is needed. Developments are currently on separate tracks: Nextcloud, CERNbox-PowerFolder, ownCloud. Convergence by TNC18!

c) Global coordination of the OCM interoperability (i.e. policy), compliance (i.e. protocol) and operational aspects (i.e. central directory service) are needed. Peter to raise this within GÉANT the company.

d) We need to identify use cases and drive real usage. Up2U project and the CERNbox-PowerFolder co-operations are promising.

Assigned to: Peter Szegedi, GÉANT and Guido Aben, AARNet

Convergence by TNC18!

2.5 - EC liaison: Promote the SIG-CISS/OSO group towards the policy makers at the European Commission. Leverage the outcome of Action 2.1 and the actual usage of ownCloud by JRC and other Brussels agencies.

Assigned to Hendrik Ike, GÉANT

Some additional notes have been taken by the meeting attendees in



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List of attendees


Registration is open at


New GÉANT Association office in Amsterdam

Level 6

Hoekenrode 3

1102 BR Amsterdam-Zuid

See the travel directions here...

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Remote access




Preliminary list of discussion topics:

  • OCM sandboxing
  • Why not Passport?
  • Federated containers
  • Offering OS images
  • OSO hot topics
  • replicated/federated storage - why don't we appear to customers as multi-region Amazon S3 (yet)

  • risk diversification - hybrid storage - shall we encourage customers to adopt Duracloud-like model? (and provide services implementing it?)

  • CERN's DataLake
  • Wednesday, 11 April 2018

    09.00-10.00Arrivals, greetings, coffee...

    Introduction to SIG-CISS, agenda, logistics, AoB

    SIG-CISS Steering Committee & Peter Szegedi, GÉANT


    Update on Open Stack Operators (OSO) group

    Simon Leinen, SWITCH

    Session I.

    Web app that allows us to delegate administrative tasks to our customers

    Jens-Christian Fischer, SWITCH


    “Datalake” R+D project at CERN

    Xavier Espinal, CERN-IT


    Federated storage across boundaries

    Session II.

    Discussion Session - Why don't we appear to customers as multi-region Amazon S3 (yet)

    Maciej Brzezniak, PSNC, Guido Aben AARNet


    SUPR Demo by SNIC

    Ingemar Fällman, Umea University

    Session III.

    Open discussion


    Around 19.00 – Joint social dinner... TBC(pay your own food and drink) Here

    Thursday, 12 April 2018

    30Session IV.

    OCM next version + testing sandbox

    Peter Szegedi, GÉANT,


    GLENNA2 update and ML infrastructure based on Kubernetes

    Gurvinder Singh, UNINETT

    Session V.

    Federated application containers for R&E cloud mobility

    Discussion Session

    Chaired by Guido Aben, AARnet


    Where the clouds are going to go in GN4 Phase 3 for the next 5 years

    Peter Szegedi, GÉANT, Andres Steijaert, SURFnet


    SURFnet taking the reseller role for GÉANT IaaS Framewrok

    Frank Pinxt, SURFnet

    15.00Session VI15.00-15,30

    Recognition of our sync&share movement by the European Commission + EOSC update

    Discussion Session

    Hendrik Ike, GÉANT,


    Closing, wrap up, next meeting, AoB

    SIG-CISS Steering Committee & Peter Szegedi, GÉANT