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In December 2015, the European Parliament and Council reached agreement on data protection reform [DPREFORM]. This will require legal and federation consultation and analysis of eduGAIN’s policies focused on attribute release (Code of Conduct, EU and international variants, Research and Scholarship Entity Categories, recommendations on User consent), in particular focusing on service implications for eduGAIN members.


1.1.1eduGAIN policy reviewInvolved (lead)TimeframeComments group on eduGAIN constitution reviewNicole, Brook, Justin, Peter S, Alessandra, Marina, Chris P (advising), Tomasz
 In final version stages.
July - December 2016Complete consultation and vote on eduGAIN constitutionBrook and Nicole
December 2016 - February 2017


Send out in September? Accompany with a timescale for the rest of the work. a SAML Technology Profile that combines the current Metadata and WebSSO profiles.  Consider making this mandatory (although not all the pieces within it REQUIRED or MUST)Nicole, Brook, Justin, Peter S, Alessandra, Marina, Chris P (advising), Tomasz

February - July 2017 

Initial consultation complete.  Final edit and voting to complete.

2018 eduGAIN SAML Profile Consultation


 - need to update the current validator.

 - need to restructure the joining the checklist. 

Complete the requirements in the existing eduGAIN metadata profile and add areas that are missingNicole, Brook, Justin, Peter S, Alessandra, Marina, Chris P (advising), Tomasz
February - July 2017 Complete in details to the eduGAIN SAML Technology Profile that are SAML specific requirements but have currently not been covered or removed from constitution (certificates, metadata url, MRPS)Nicole, Brook, Justin, Peter S, Alessandra, Marina, Chris P (advising), Tomasz
As part of Complete

Manage issues associated with current SAML2int problems, liaise with Kantara and define WebSSO requirements for edugain

BrookDependency unknown - awaiting community to move Overtaken by work at InCommon and Kantara work MRPS developed by REFEDS as standard templateNicole and

Proposal socialised at various meetings.   Dependency on requirements set in the SAML Profile.

Work has become to implement via: current Attribute Profile and work on a best current practice (BCP) document to replace this.  BCPs to be R&S, CoCo, MFA and Sirtfi.Nicole
Jan - Jul 2018

 Proposal socialised at various meetings. 

What does it mean to have a BCP?

  • Documented on the eduGAIN website.
  • These will be monitored and shown as warning in validators (including history).
  • Warnings will be followed up by edugain-support.
  • We will advertise and promote the BCP.

Do we need a incident response template for federations?

Add security contacts for federations. Code of Conduct and R&S as a best practice document and not a profileTomasz and Brook
Jan - Jul 2018 Complete eduGAIN Operational Practice Statement
(this is currently a 1.2 workitem) 
TomaszSept - Dec 2017

 eduGAIN Operations - SAML

eduGAIN Operational Practice Statement eduGAIN Metadata Aggregation Practice Statement
(this is currently a 1.2 workitem) 
TomaszSept - Dec 2017 Metadata Aggregation Practice Statement
  1.1.2Review text of
Get input from Andrew C
 Review Federation interpretations of impact on their local and eduGAIN systems M6-M8
 Develop statements and recommendations for stakeholders M8-12
 M9.2 Assessment of DP Legislation Implications M8 (EC Milestone)
Does not need full TA review
  1.3CoCo V2MikaelOngoingDependencies - GDPR, Privacy Shield. Cross-ref with REFEDs
 International CoCo DevelopmentMikaelOngoingDependencies - GDPR, Privacy Shield. Cross-ref with REFEDs

Current Status


