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The WP3 questions asked in the survey were about eduroam, which is considered in this Section 1, and also about network connectivity and policy at schools, which is discussed in Section 2. From February to April 2017, the WP3 questions were prepared and reviewed by project partners in several iterative cycles. The questionnaire was also tested by some of the high school teachers collaborating with project partners. The questions were straightforward but required some technical knowledge about the schools’ facilities. Most of the questions were closed-ended. All the WP3 questions asked in the survey are reported in Appendix B.

From May to June 2017, the survey was sent to all the 53 pilot candidate schools. Each surveyed school was contacted directly, and in some countries face-to-face meetings were organised with school representatives to present the project to them and invite them in person to join the surveys and future pilots. Those meetings are reported in Deliverable D2.2 Dissemination and Outreach Report Year 1, as part of the local dissemination activity undertaken in the first year of the project, but also in Section 3.2 of Deliverable D7.2 Report on the First Release and Demonstration of Scalable Pilot Services, which describes the development of country-specific approaches in the engagement of pilot schools.


Detailed information on eduroam availability in the neighbourhood of the particular pilot schools can be found inAppendix A: Eduroam near schools - details.

The pilot schools, as well as eduroam availability in their neighbourhood, are depicted in the interactive map below (click the map). Please note that it is focused on the currently known pilot schools only, as more general information on all eduroam locations is already publicly accessible.


This overview is based on the same surveying activity as described in Section 1.1. That survey also contained questions about network connectivity and policies. All the questions can be found in Appendix B.

The survey results obtained provide information about the environment of the schools that are most likely to be engaged in the Up2U ecosystem, and are summarised in the following sections.


The GÉANT backbone network obviously focuses on connections with the R&E networks more than on peering with commercial providers. Considering the always-on education concept promoted by Up2U and the necessary accessibility of the ecosystem from any network and device, we should monitor users’ types of Internet connections during the project lifetime. Depending on the future scale and the load generated by commercial ISP users, decisions can be made about whether to change GÉANT’s network peering policy to extend peering with commercial providers.

Appendix A: eduroam near Schools

Appendix: eduroam near Schools – Details

Appendix B: Survey Questions

  1. How is your school connected to the Internet?
    1. via NREN
    2. via a commercial provider
    3. other (please specify)
  2. Please indicate the total internet bandwidth in your school for downloading
    1. Less than 5 Mb / s
    2. Up to 10 Mb / s
    3. Up to 20 Mb / s
    4. Up to 40 Mb / s
    5. Up to 80 Mb / s
    6. Up to 160 Mb / s
    7. Over 160 Mb / s
  3. Please indicate the total internet bandwidth in your school for uploading
    1. Less than 5 Mb / s
    2. Up to 10 Mb / s
    3. Up to 20 Mb / s
    4. Up to 40 Mb / s
    5. Up to 80 Mb / s
    6. Up to 160 Mb / s
    7. Above 160 Mb / s
  4. What is the arrangement of the internal cable network (Ethernet) in your school
    1. The school does not have a cable network
    2. The school has a link cable only in some rooms are not being used in the classroom
    3. The school has a link cable in some classrooms
    4. The school has a cable connection in all classrooms
  5. Do you have WiFi network at your school?
    1. Yes, and it's freely accesible for students in all classes
    2. Yes, but it isn't freely accesible for students in all classes
    3. No
  6. What is the coverage of the WiFi network in your school?
    1. 100% of the school
    2. 100% of the classrooms, but not 100% of the school
    3. other (please specify)
  7. Is eduroam available at your school?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  8. Is eduroam available at other locations, either near your school or that are usually visited by your students?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  9. Which are these locations?
    1. Public library
    2. Private library
    3. Youth centers
    4. other (please specify)
  10. Are your students able to authenticate to eduroam?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  11. How? (please specify)
  12. Can students connect their private devices to the Internet at school:
    1. During the lessons in the manner specified by the teacher
    2. Besides school classes to a limited extent (eg. Only to have access to local educational materials)
    3. Besides school classes in any way
  13. Is your school using an hardware firewall?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I don’t know
  14. Is your school using a UTM device (Unified threat management) - a multi-firewall?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I don’t know
  15. Which are the functions of your UTM?
    1. spam filter: Yes – No – I don’t know
    2. anti-virus filter: Yes – No – I don’t know
    3. intrusion detection: Yes – No – I don’t know
    4. content filtering: Yes – No – I don’t know
    5. other (please specify)


BoD            Bandwidth on Demand

BYOD        Bring Your Own Device

CDN           Content Delivery Network

CERN        Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire / European Organisation for Nuclear Research

DNS           Domain Name System

DoW           Description of Work

eduroam     education roaming

EMBL         European Molecular Biology Laboratory

ESA           European Space Agency

IP               Internet Protocol

ISP             Internet Service Provider

L3-VPN      Layer 3 Virtual Private Network

LMS           Learning Management System

MD-VPN    Multi-Domain Virtual Private Network

NREN        National Research and Education Network

OER           Open Educational Resources

PoP            Point of Presence

R&E           Research and Education

SKA           Square Kilometre Array

T                 Task

T3.1            Task 3.1, Network Services and Access

UTM           Unified Threat Management

VPN           Virtual Private Network

WebRTC    Web-based Real-Time Communication

WP             Work Package

WP3           Work Package 3, Cloud-Based Infrastructure Services

WP4           Work Package 4, Integrated Application Toolbox

WP5           Work Package 5, Learning Community Management and Skills Training

WP6           Work Package 6, Roadmap for Security and Trust

WP7           Work Package 7, Pilot Coordination and Continuous Risk Assessment: Eduroam near schools - details