Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Data itemIs personal data (DPO fills in)Comment
1instid - provided by the NRO


2ROid - Unique identifier provided by the database operator during the RO No
3locationid - provided by the NRONo
4coordinates - longitude, latitude, altitudeNo
5stage - 0=preproduction/test, 1=activeNo
6type - 0=single spot; 1=area; 2=mobileNo
7loc_name - location’s nameNo
8address_street - location’s address No
9address_city - location’s address: cityNo
10location_type - IEEE 802.11-2012, clause Venue InfoNo
11contact_name - on site contact: nameYesIf contact is person
12contact_email - on site contact: e-mailYesIf contact is person
13contact_phone - on site contact: phone no.YesIf contact is person
14contact_type - 0=person, 1=service/departmentNo
15contact_privacy - 0=private, 1=publicNo
16SSID - SSID usedNo
17enc_level - supported encryption levelsNo
18AP_no - number of APsNo
19wired_no - number of enabled sockets for wired accessNo
20tag - specific characteristic(s): port_restrict, transp_proxy, IPv6, NAT, HS2.0No
21availability - 0=default, 1=physical access restrictionsNo
22operation_hours - If service is not available 24 hours per dayNo
23info_URL - info page with additional info in case of any restrictions No
24ts - date: last changedNo

eduroam CAT (as of version 1.1)

Dataset description:Configuration Assistant Tool operator database (NRO administrator and institution-level administrator)
Purpose of processing:allowing administrators to upload and maintain the information needed to create eduroam installation programs ("installers") within their country / institution
Data source:eduroam database - NRO information & institution information (see datasets above), eduroam SP proxy authentication data (see dataset above), administrator input, produces web server and application logs (
Data storage and access:
  • this needs to be filled in by the sys admins of cat-ams.
Data transfer:NoneSystem sends emails with invitation tokens (one variant to institution administrators for sign-up, one variant to NRO personnel for general status updates)
Data retention:
  • The authorisation status of administrators who ever logged in is retained permanently.
  • The installer-relevant information is kept until the administrator chooses to delete it (then deleted immediately).
  • There is a cache for previously generated installers which gets invalidated upon deletion of the installer-relevant information (but remains on disk until manual cleanup is triggered).
Personal data processed: authentication and authorisation data of NRO and institution administratorsYes

Dataset content

Data itemIs personal data (DPO fills in)

administrator authentication - supplied from eduroam SP proxy

  • eduPersonTargetedId or equivalent
  • real name
  • email address


administrator authorisation

  • is user an NRO administrator, and for which country - supplied from eduroam SP proxy
  • initial email address of new institution administrators during signup (supplied from NRO administrator)
  • is user institution administrator, and for which institution - information gathered from NRO administrators and with email voucher verification process


general institution information - supplied by institution administrator input

  • institution name, multi-language
  • geographical coordinates of institution
  • institution logo
  • whether institution also exists in eduroam database (institution information), and the ID in that database


eduroam media deployment information - supplied by institution administrator input

  • SSIDs and encryption levels
  • whether or not eduroam is on wired ports
  • onboarding SSIDs which should be removed upon installation
  • Passpoint consortia identifiers


support contacts of institution - supplied by institution administrator input

  • helpdesk email, multi-language
  • information web page, multi-language
  • Acceptable Use Policy, multi-language
  • telephone contact


RADIUS/EAP details - supplied by institution administrator input

  • name of deployment profile, multi-language
  • description of deployment profile, multi-language
  • production-readiness state of deployment profile
  • domain name ("realm") for deployment profile
  • anonymous outer ID to be used in installers
  • supported EAP types
  • CA certificates that identify EAP server
  • names of EAP servers
  • redirection URLs for external installer handling, multi-language
  • custom text accompanying installer downloads, , multi-language
  • EAP-TLS username handling directives (does not contain actual user names)


Dataset description:eduroam Managed IdP is a derivative of eduroam CAT (see above), which additionally produces per-user personalised installation programs and maintains a database of these end users. It also authenticates the end users based on the installed programs
Purpose of processing:allowing administrators to upload and maintain the information needed to manage their end user base to the end of creating eduroam installation programs ("installers") within their country / institution, and to authenticate their users in eduroam
Data source:eduroam database - NRO information & institution information (see datasets above), eduroam SP proxy authentication data (see dataset above), administrator input, produces web server and application logs ( / / /
Data storage and access:
  • this needs to be filled in by the sys admins of the servers
Data transfer:NoneSystem sends emails with invitation tokens (one variant to institution administrators for sign-up, one variant to end-users for credentialing, one variant to NRO personnel for general status updates)
Data retention:
  • The authorisation status of administrators
Data retention:
  • The authorisation status of administrators who ever logged in is retained permanently.
  • Most of the installer-relevant information is kept until the administrator chooses to delete it (then deleted immediately), with the exception of ...
  • ... end user authentication data, which is retained (indefinitely?) even after deletion of users to enable prosecution
Personal data processed: authentication and authorisation data of NRO and institution administrators, pseudonyms of individuals (institutions' end users), authentication logs of end users including indication of location, frequency and timestamps of use

Dataset content


Dataset content

Data itemIs personal data (DPO fills in)
1-Data itemIs personal data (DPO fills in)1-5Dataset content items 1 to 5 are IDENTICAL to those of eduroam CAT (see above)

Deployment details of Managed IdP for NRO (from NRO admin input)

  • Whether it is enabled or not
  • max number of users per institution profile
  • EAP termination settings


Deployment details of Managed IdP for institution

  • whether the admin has accepted the system's ToU
  • (pseudonymous) usernames of the institution's users
  • expiry date of said pseudonymous usernames
  • list of eduroam credentials issued to these users (properties of these credentials in 8, below), linked to the respective username
  • list of pending invitation tokens with which users can create new credentials and inquire about their account status (properties of invitation toekns in 9, below)
  • status of the usernames (active, inactive)
  • data freshness: when were the set of users last checked by the administrator for continued validity?


eduroam credentials (X.509 certificates)

  • unique, randomly generated username as certificate Subject (original pseudonymous username is not contained, but system maintains an internal link between pseudonymous username and the Subject of the certificate)
  • date of issue and expiry of certificate
  • unique, randomly chosen serial number for certificate
  • device type for which certificate was generated
  • revocation status of certificate
  • invitation token (see 9, below) which was used to generate certificate


end-user invitation tokens (URLs with unique, random long identifier)

  • pseudonymous username to which invitation token pertains
  • number of devices which can be credentialed witht his token
  • expiry date of invitation token


RADIUS authentication logs

The RADIUS server is an eduroam IdP in the sense of the dataset "eduroam RADIUS server logs → IdP" above, and the same data set considerations apply.


certificate status server logs

  • logs the timestamp when a revocation assertion was requested for a given eduroam credential - revocation assertions typically coincide exactly with the actual authentication happening on the RADIUS server. Does not log the actual revocation state that was returned.

Description of fields

The details of service related datasets (data collections) should be filled with a list of all kinds of data which is collected or processed by this service. The table should be filled by the Service Manager and afterwards reconciled with the GEANT Data Protection Officer in order to address GDPR requirements. One service often incorporates several datasets.

<dataset_name> - name of dataset (collection of data processed in similar way).

Dataset description: brief explanation of the kind of information or entities the dataset contains.

Purpose of processing: what is purpose of data collecting and processing.

Data source: what are source(s) of data - list of services, systems, applications, databases or similar source components, including user's input, from which data are being received. E.g. RIPE database, service ABC, organisation LDAP directory...

Data storage and access: describe where the data are stored, backup-ed etc. and who has access to the data.

Data transfer: list of other services, systems, applications, databases or similar destinations to which data are being sent. E.g. RIPE database, service ABC, GÉANT's database XYZ...

Data retention: describe data retention policy ie. for how long data are stored before being deleted. E.g. 1 year, 2 years after contract ending, forever...

Dataset content

  • Data item: a specific dataset item. It may be an attribute, component or structure within a dataset that can be clearly described in terms of content. If attribute, it is usually described with the formally assigned name and corresponding explanation of meaning, purpose, expected content or allowed values. Property values characterise all or some items (records, members...) within the dataset.
  • Is personal data (DPO fills in): whether this item is (a part of) personal data. Decided and entered by the GÉANT Data Protection Officer while analysing the GDPR requirements. Answer Yes of No.
