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A guide to eduroam CAT for institution administrators

Table of Contents

eduroam CAT: purpose and scope

eduroam CAT is the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool. Its purpose is to support you, an eduroam Identity Provider administrator, by allowing you to generate customised eduroam installers for various platforms. The customisation includes your IdP's name, location and logo, contact details for your helpdesk, and of course the RADIUS settings which users need to uniquely identify your IdP when roaming. The installers can be produced in many languages; that way, you can even offer your users an installer in their native language! Further to that, eduroam CAT can also assist you in debugging your own RADIUS setup by comparing your inputs to the actual behaviour of your setup in the eduroam infrastructure.


To see how the end-user area looks like, take a look at the following screenshot or try it out live: just hop over to You can select any institution, like "RESTENA Foundation" in Luxembourg, to get to the download page of the installers for that institution.

Enrolling my institution for eduroam CAT

Step 1: Requesting an entry for your institution

eduroam CAT follows the usual organizational model of eduroam: your national federation administrator has control over all the Identity Providers in his country. To manage your institution with eduroam CAT, please let your national administrator know that you want to participate using your usual communications channels.

If he finds you eligible for the service, he will send you an invitation email with a token (the token is valid for 24 hours after sending it to you). You can then follow the supplied link with the token, log into the eduroam Administration interface, and start managing your institution - see the next section for details of institution and profile setup.

Step 2: How to log into eduroam CAT?

When clicking on the Administration interface link, you will be automatically sent to the eduroam Support Services' federated login service. This login service does not work with site-specific usernames and passwords; instead you are presented with a list of sources of identity. Choose any organization that you have an account with:


Some users have noted that none of the above options suits them: e.g. their institution is not participating in eduGAIN, and they have an aversion against using social networks. We understand that if a user finds all the numerous authentication options unacceptable, then he will have a hard time logging in. However, at this moment we do not have a good solution to that problem. It might be worth considering creating a social network account just for the purpose of logging in here; even if the service portfolio offered by e.g. Google is not interesting for the user, their authentication service in itself is useful on its own.

Configuring my institution's properties


There are basically three groups of information which we need to ask of you before we can create good-looking installers for you:


  1. Textual information can be provided in many languages; one language representation should be set as the default language though - to have a string to present to users who want to use a language which wasn't explicitly configured.
  2. An institution consists of one of more EAP profiles, each of which can have its own EAP-specific settings. One typical use-case is an institution which has "student" and "staff" accounts with different EAP-Types being supported. Many options in eduroam CAT can either be set for the entire institution or only for a specific profile; if a setting is set on both levels, the more specific profile-level setting will override the institution-level one. 

Institution-wide Settings

After you've followed the invitation token from your national administrator, you'll be dropped right in the "Edit IdP" page. On that first time, you'll see a "wizard mode" which provides lots of explanatory text about the meaning of all the settings you can make. You can add and delete any of those options; don't be shy and try them all out! Adding a new option is done by pushing the corresponding button, selecting which option you want to set, and then the content of that new option. Changes will only be saved when you hit the "Continue ..." button on the bottom of the page.


When you re-visit the "Edit IdP" page later from the Institution Overview page, the explanatory texts are condensed in order not to overload the user interface. You'll certainly find your way around without the wizard texts.


Profiles are the specific EAP configurations for your user group(s), and installers are always generated for specific profiles. If you only have one user group, the distinction between institution-wide and profile-wide settings does not make a difference. However, many IdPs have different user groups which share some properties, but not all. One example is where on the one hand students have username/password accounts, authenticating with PEAP and generic helpdesk contact points, and on the other hand permanent staff have TLS Client certificates with EAP-TLS and access to a better second-level helpdesk just for them.


That's all - the CAT then proceeds to a sanity check of the things you have configured and will tell you about any things which need fixing, it any. You are then transported to the Institution dashboard - from where you can continue to download your installers, change institution or profile details, perform sanity checks and more.

Generating installers for my users

On the institution dashboard page, you see the most important pieces of data that you have entered.


You can now push the download buttons and use the generated installers as you see fit. This is also possible for redirected devices; even though your users don't get this installer from CAT, you as an admin might want to have it anyway, e.g. to include it in your own eduroam support pages.

Installer visibility on the user download page

You are in full control which of the installers, if any, and when you want to show on the CAT end-user download pages. Your control options are as follows:


The visibility status of your EAP deployment is indicated with either a green (published) or yellow (unpublished) status icon on the Profile info (see screenshot). If the status is yellow, you can hover with your mouse over it to get a more detailed explanation why the profile is not published.

Verifying my RADIUS setup

If you have supplied the CAT with the realm which you are using in eduroam, an extra service is enabled for you: the CAT can send live data probes through the eduroam infrastructure to see if your realm's RADIUS server is reachable and whether it passes various sanity checks. All these tests are triggered by pushing the button "Check realm reachability". The tests will take a few to several tens of seconds, and will give you an in-depth overview of how your RADIUS server is doing in the world of eduroam. The tests include
