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5th & 6th June 2019, London, UK

The First European perfSONAR workshop User Workshop brings together perfSONAR user and developer communities to explore use cases for the toolkit, to share best practices, and to discuss future features and the perfSONAR development roadmap.

The Workshop is being organised by the GÉANT GN4-3 project, Work Package 6 ("Network Technologies and Services Development"), including the perfSONAR development team within Task 3, and hosted by Jisc at their offices in London on 5-6 June 2019.  The workshop will run from 10am to 5pm BST on both days.

perfSONAR is a network measurement toolkit designed to provide federated coverage of paths, and help to establish end-to-end usage expectations.  There are 1000s of perfSONAR instances deployed world wide, many of which are available for open testing of key measures of network performance.  This global infrastructure helps to identify and isolate problems as they happen, making the role of supporting network users easier for engineering teams, and increasing productivity when utilising network resources

The event is open to anyone with an interest in perfSONAR.  It will be followed by a (private) developer debrief on 7th June, for which there is a separate registration page.

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Remote Participation




The meeting location is the Jisc offices, 15 Fetter Lane, London EC4A, 1BW, UK

Google map: Meeting location: Jisc 15 Fetter Lane London, EC4A 1BW UK
Directions: TBA

The venue is a short walk from Waterloo Bridge and the Houses of Parliament.

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Presentation material

PDFs of all presentations can be found within the agenda on the right side of the page.

Remote Participation

For those registering remotely, remote participation will be available via Zoom, which also has some dial-in and SIP options:

Join Zoom Meeting

Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 287 040 9022
Find your local number:


If you have any questions about the event please email

Quick Links

All Presentations

Subscribe to the PERT-Discuss mailing list

To join the perfSONAR online user community email list, where issues and ideas can be openly discussed, please subscribe to the perfsonar-user mail list.

Meeting photos

 Photos from the first day of the workshop...

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Many thanks to our remote speakers

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Please register for the meeting at

Remote participation will be available.

There is no registration fee for the workshop, however, participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses.


Registration is open!

Agenda (all times are in BST, i.e. GMT+1)

Wednesday, 5th June 2019

9:30-10:00Arrivals, tea and coffee
  • Welcome, Intro, Round table intro, Agenda - Tim Chown, Jisc
  • perfSONAR today (PDF) - Antoine Delvaux, PSNC
  • perfSONAR activities in WP6 T3 (PDF) - Ivana Golub, PSNC
11:00-11:20Tea and coffee break

Use cases

  • First experiences configuring a perfSONAR mesh in an PRACE MDVPN
  • environment (PDF) - Ralph Niederberger
  • , Research Center Jülich
  • Test and validation suite for cloud services (PDF) - Ignacio Peluaga
  • , CERN
  • perfSONAR deployment in PIONIER NREN (PDF) - Szymon Trocha
  • , PSNC
  • perfSONAR and MaDDash deployment: EaPConnect experience (PDF) - Sergei Kozlov
  • - remote presentation
1312:0050-13:4030Buffet Lunch


  • Performance Measurement Platform (PMP) service (PDF) - Szymon Trocha
  • , PSNC
  • DFN deployment (PDF) - Robert Stoy
  • , DFN
) - to be confirmed

  • GÉANT perfSONAR deployments
- Darren Clarke
  • (
to be confirmed
  • Jisc and STFC - presenter to be confirmed
    • Craig Volp, GÉANT
    15:00-15:20Tea and coffee break


  • KAUST - presenter to be confirmed
  • NetSAGE
    • Introduction to NetSAGE (PDF) - Andy Lake
    • , ESnet
    • - remote presentation
    • NEAAR and Asi@Connect deployments on small nodes in Africa and Asia
    • (PDF- Scott Chevalier
    • , IN@IU
    • , IN@IU
    • Visualising on-demand perfSONAR measurements (PDF) - Antoine Delvaux, PSNC
    16:50-17:00Wrap-up and End of Day 1


    To be held at The Old Bank of England restaurant, from 7pm.

    Address: The Old Bank of England, 194 Fleet Street, London,
    EC4A 2LT.   Around 5 minutes walk from the Jisc offices.

    Menu choices - Restaurant menu (please email choices in advance to if possible).

    Dinner TBA

    Thursday, 6th June 2019

    9:30-10:00Resume, tea and coffee available
    • Welcome day 2, Agenda
    • Survey results and discussion (PDF) - Ivana Golub, PSNC
    • perfSONAR beyond 4.2 - Roadmap overview (PDF) - Antoine Delvaux, PSNC
    11:00-11:20 Tea and coffee break


    LHC community and perfSONAR
    • perfSONAR in the WLCG (PDF) - Duncan Rand, Imperial College London
    • Janet 100G
    • perfSONAR (and DTN) deployment
    to support 100G-connected sites
    • (PDF) - Duncan Rand / Raul Lopes
    • , Jisc

    New developments

    • On-demand measurements and Grafana integration (PDF) - Erik Reid
    • , GÉANT
    • - remote presentation
    • Building and releasing perfSONAR
    , the Debian port
    • (PDF) - Antoine Delvaux
    • , PSNC

    • Running perfSONAR on vendor
    • hardware  (
    Juniper, Cisco
    • PDF) - Szymon Trocha
    • , PSNC
    • , Raul Lopes
    • , Jisc
    13:00-13:40Buffet Lunch

    New developments

    • TWAMP measurements with perfSONAR (PDF) - Szymon Trocha
    • , PSNC
    • , Victor Olifer, Jisc
    • perfSONAR supporting LoLa measurements (PDF) - Victor Olifer, Jisc

    • perfSONAR in Campus Network Management (PDF) - Pavle Vuletić, UoB/AMRES, Zurab Bukhnikashvili
    • , GRENA
  • perfSONAR supporting LoLa measurements - Victor Olifer (Jisc)
  • pSconfig
    • pSconfig Overview (PDF) - Andrew Lake
    • , ESnet
    • - remote presentation
    15:00-15:20Tea and coffee break

    New developments

    • pShooter (PDF) - Mark Feit
    • , Internet2
    • - remote presentation
    • Automating perfSONAR deployments (PDF) - Ed Colone
    • , U. Michigan
    • - remote presentation
    • How can we help you? (perfSONAR Consultancy and Expertise) (PDF) - Antoine Delvaux
    • , PSNC

    Workshop summary and discussion (PDF) - Ivana Golub, PSNC

    Wrap-up and End of Day 2



    Friday, 7th June 2019

    (Private) 9:00am to 12:30pm - developer debrief (separate registration).