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Table of Contents

#Use this template to capture proposal for a new Incubator Activity - delete this line after using the template#


#Enter the persons who are submitter of the Activity - delete this line after using the template#

Casper Dreef GÉANT

#Enter the persons who are participating in the that works on this Activity - delete this line after using the template#
titleGN4-3 project team

Core team member
StephenGÉANTCore team member

#Enter the persons who are internal projects or external stakeholders of this Activity - delete this line after using the template#



Casper DreefGÉANTeduGAIN Secretariat
Nicole HarrisGÉANTHead of T&I Operations
Federation represenatative

Activity overview


#Please describe the high-level goal of the incubator Activity, provide an overview of the anticipated work and needed resources and skills. Please also describe how commitment from various partners is warranted. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

titleActivity goals

#Please describe the goals of Activity, including what needs to be delivered, participants, the community(ies) that require a solution. Describe when the Activity is done and how to measure the success of it, in a SMART way. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Activity Details

This activity attempts to provide a pilot for an eduGAIN service catalogue and extend it according to the needs of the community.

titleActivity goals

The aim of this activity is to provide a pilot service based on existing requirements and to analyse the demand and use cases of an eduGAIN service catalogue.

Activity Details

titleTechnical details

The eduGAIN Support Team, Secretariat and business development received several requests from SPs, IdPs and NRENs for an eduGAIN Service Catalogue. Currently the eduGAIN Entities Database tool and REFEDS Metadata Explorer Tool (MET) are the two services closest to a service catalogue, but there are inconsistencies between the two tools.

Within the scope of this activity, a market analysis will be carried out to select a suitable tool for an eduGAIN service catalogue. The existing requirements that have been identified in recent years will be used. The selected tool will be deployed in a test environment and made available to the community in a pilot phase. The Incubator will promote the tool with the help of GÉANT MARCOMMS and the Enabling Communities task. Participants will be actively asked for feedback, potential use cases and ideas for improvement. At the same time, the project aims to explicitly identify use cases that give NRENS and institutes an advantage when using the service catalogue.

The Incubator attempts to improve the solution based on the outcome of this pilot phase. Depending on the requirements and use cases that need to be supported, new features can be added in following an iterative process. If there are not enough participants to provide a meaningful amount of data, no additional developments will be carried out by the Incubator. In this case, the software is decommissioned at the end of the pilot phase and the project is terminated.

Basic research on this topic has already been carried out in the past. In September 2017 a REFEDS Working Group published a paper on this matter. This paper describes examples of service catalogues, technical requirement and best practices, and challenges. Creating an eduGAIN Service Catalogue can be based on the Entities Database and MET. These findings can be taken into account in the activity.

titleTechnical details

#Please describe the technical details for the Activity. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

titleBusiness case

#What is the business case for the Activity? Who would be beneficiaries of the results of the Activity and what would potential business case look like if applicable? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Various discussions in recent years have shown that there is a need for a service catalogue, at least on the part of GÉANT Operations. The activity attempts also to identify benefits for federations and institutes.


#Are there risks that influence either the implementation of the activity or its outcomes? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

  • There is a chance that not enough federation operators will contribute and that the service catalogue cannot be meaningfully filled.

titleData protection & Privacy

#How do data protection and privacy impact the Activity? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of users - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>
  • When selecting the tool, security and privacy are important requirements

titleDefinition of Done (DoD)

#Please describe here the set of criteria that the product must meet in order to be considered finished. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>
  • Potential software 


This activity yields two possible outcomes:

  • If the trial period is successful, options for sustaining the service will be explored in collaboration with T&I Operations.
  • If the trial phase is not successful, only the lessons learned are documented and made publicly available.

#How are the results of the Activity intended to be used? If this requires further engagement, can you describe how you intent to sustain it? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Activity Results

#Please provide pointers to completed and intermediary results of this activity - delete this line after using the template#

The activity is still ongoing






January 1, 2017

Kickoff Stakeholder kickoff meeting

