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2.  LEGAL AGREEMENTSDjangora responseDjangora solution
Do you have any contracts or consortium agreement arrangements for people to pay money in to the project? Would you require something like this in the future, are there any specific requirements around this and would you be happy using a generic framework proposed by the Greenhouse?None in place.TCS members do not specifically pay for usage or support for Dangora but the costs of the support contract are charged to the oveall TCS budget.
Do you need the Greenhouse to manage contracts for staff such as developers?Yes, contractual arrangements with 1 developer required.TERENA has a contract with SUNET for a named staff member to work up to a set number of hours against an hourly rate. 
Do you need the Greenhouse to act as a home / signing authority for other purposes (e.g. domain registration, home address etc).No.N/A.
Would you like to run your project yourself but need support in getting advice for writing agreements and managing contracts? No.N/A.
What are the current licensing / IPR arrangements for the product?OSI MIT license. TERENA holds the IPR.  Maintain as is. 
Technical Requirements3.  TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTSDjangora responseDjangora solution
Do you need the Greenhouse to offer any hosting for project software (wiki, bug tracker, mailing lists etc)?Yes, a github repository, mailing list and wiki space required.Currently offered via TERENA infrastructure. Github carries with it a cost. 
Do you need the Greenhouse to help you source good developers / software houses?None needed.No action required, but need to be aware of the risk of software maintained by a single individual. 
Would you like to use a central Greenhouse helpdesk manager? None required - mailing list used for helpdesk queries. Consider for future if a helpdesk system is put in place. 
Promotion and Coordination4.  PROMOTION AND COORDINATIONDjangora responseDjangora solution
Would you like the Greenhouse to offer any central staffing support such as project manager, contract manager, or PR and Comms?Minimal time from PDO to manage contracts.  No project management or PR required.PDO carries out this work and small effort to list Djangora on TCS web pages.
Current Usage and Requirements5. CURRENT USAGE AND REQUIREMENTSDjanora responseDjangora solution
Please provide some information about the current and potential user base for the productLimited to a sub-set of TCS customers. As expected. 
How many people currently work on the project and what is the expectation for the future in terms of involvement and funding?1 developer. As expected. 
Positioning in Greenhouse6. POSITIONING WITHIN THE GREENHOUSEDjangora responseDjangora solution
Would you be happy for your project to be listed with features on a Greenhouse promotional website?N/A in this scenario. 
Are you happy that your project will sit within a framework of other projects being offered similar services?N/A in this scenario. 
Are you happy that the project must first be accepted by the Greenhouse Steering Committee and will have an incubation period of assessment?N/A in this scenario. 
Are you willing to commit a certain percentage of project funding to the central Greenhouse function?N/A in this scenario.