- Under the 'Settings' (the gear icon), go to 'Profiles', then select 'RADIUS'.
- Click 'New'. Provide a name. For the eduroam Europe proxy, you could use 'eduroam OpenRoaming Proxy'.
- Are you going to use Radsec? If so, select 'TLS'. You'll notice things change to add several more settings.
- Provide the IP address for the proxy. If you use Radsec, use port 2083 with secret 'radsec'. Click 'Add' to add it.
- You can contact the eduroam Ops Team for the eduroam Europe OpenRoaming proxy by emailing Paul Dekkers, who manages the proxy, and ask for the OR proxy details. The European eduroam OR proxy accepts both RADIUS (over UDP/1812) and RadSec (with eduPKI certificates, over TCP/2083).
- You can also contact eduroam UK for the UK proxy by emailingeduroamuk at jisc.ac.uk
and asking for the OR proxy details. Like the eduroam Europe proxy, the UK proxy accepts both RADIUS and RadSec (with eduPKI certificates) traffic. - If you use Radsec, provide the 'Client Certificate', 'Private Key', 'Private Key Password' and 'CA Certificate' values. The 'Private Key Password' option is optional. You can use your eduPKI certificates here for the hosts in Step 4.
- Tick the option 'Accounting'. As an OpenRoaming visited site (ANP) you are required to send accounting packets.
- Click 'Apply Changes' to save the RADIUS server.