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eduGAIN Federated Service Catalog

DescriptionAt the moment, the only way you get an overview of services in eduGAIN is via metadata. While this is how the system is designed to work (machine to machine), service info is also interesting to humans e.g. to browse, to know if an SP already exists etc. A preliminary WG is starting in REFEDs to look at how service catalogs could be built. An eduGAIN level catalog should build on that work and also integrate with other relevant catalogs e.g open science cloud, NREN's own catalogs etc.
ProposerAnn Harding
Resource requirements

Standardisation/spec via refeds

Prototype implemention for aggregation.

Protoype implementation for federation level infra.



Wolfgang Pempe (DFN): encourage cross-federation support for mdui:Keywords.

SURFnet: no catalog will survive if the (meta)data is not/cannot be maintained or is not of sufficient quality. I think therefore we need to address the root cause (as well). How prevent keeping a shadow "metadata" registry for this?

José Manuel, SIR/RedIRIS: We are developing such a service catalog for our federation now, and am interested in this. Also, agree with Wolfgang, and SURFnet... regarding the SURFnet question, the catalog could have both "static" (collaborative information, with the possibility of letting the providers administrate its own information) and "dynamically gathered" information (from metadata) for a certain entity in the catalog.

Rhys Smith, UKf: I think it's a laudable goal, and one worth exploring. For me, there are two main issues - deciding categorisation in way that works for everyone, and appropriate resourcing to both do the initial step of building the catalogue and effort to maintain it moving forwards. As soon as it's not kept up to date, it's not useful any more.


Scope verification based on DNS


The scope part of attributes means critical security context for many applications. Currently the only way for an SP to check whether an IdP is allowed to use a scope is based on verification of shibmd:Scope metadata extension. As metadata might  originate from a massive number of sources, an organization and/or an SP might want to provide additional means to verify scope usage. If the scope equals to a real domain name, it can be easily implemented by adding TXT records to the domain record that describe the allowed entityIDs which can assert the scope. (Similar to SPF - Sender Policy Framework.) This should be an optional measure in addition to existing metadata-based scope verification technique.

ProposerKristof Bajnok (
Resource requirements

standardization - REFEDs?

implementation for Shibboleth and SimpleSAMLphp


Nick Roy, InCommon

Constantin Sclifos, RENAM

Rhys Smith, UKf: Sounds like an interesting idea. Would require changes to SP software though, of course, which means it'd be a very long term rollout. Worth exploring the idea in principle though.


SURFnet: Can this be solved by making this the responibility of the registar. Speaking for a hub-and-spoke registrar that already does it this way, forcing IdPs to administer TXT records for this is quite a burden for them.

Kristof: the concept is to provide an end-to-end solution to protect the scopes that works even with broken metadata sources/registrars.



SOC tools

DescriptionGEANT should develop and maintain a toolchain for security operations 
(SOC) teams. This includes work on stuff like grr, plaso, timesketch, 
information sharing platforms, threat intelligence platforms etc
Resource requirementsTo be better scoped, but certainly resources.

This is similar to a proposal submitted under the security white paper planning. Talk to Sigita Jurkynaite about this.


SURFnet: We support the notion of having good security operations in trust and identity but in the geant project this should probably be developed in the security activity.

Rhys Smith, UKf: Agree with SURF, sounds interesting, but isn't this a security area topic?


Identity Discovery

DescriptionGEANT should operate a discovery service for the global identity 
ecosystem based on the outcomes of the RA21 process and dialogues 
with the research infrastructure community. If possible the service 
should be useful for the eIDAS community aswell.
Resource requirementsTo be better scoped, but certainly resources and budget

Nick Roy, InCommon


Rhys Smith, UKf: +1 in principal, but reserving judgement until we see the output of RA21 to be able to understand the scope of this.


Enhance eduGAIN ops instrumentation with


Enhance eduGAIN ops instrumentation with general metadata dashboard and augment existing eduGAIN API to query said stats


The eduGAIN technical website would benefit it's members by having a central overall status dashboard that renders a single page with eduGAIN stats with initial focus on latency estimates for metadata circulation. This page should auto-refresh every X seconds/minutes as a configuration. It would be a 'nice to have' if this were operationally friendly such that someone could have it presented in their NOC control center on a screen and also have the data published at an API endpoint such that someone can publicly poll the information in JSON and then in turn render it on their own.

The problem this addresses is the knowledge gap about the state of the system without requiring operational questions or gueses. Many federations exhibit latency on republishing stemming from operational practices and offline signing techniques. It would be helpful to know in a dashboard fashion the following:

  • Last update of
  • And per federation last known update of eduGAIN data and time difference since MDS publishing (inferred by eduGAIN ops tools based on publishing practices in a best effort style calculation)

This will go a long way in managing expectations of when to expect data to circulate beyond '24-48hrs'. I suggest a simple table view of flag and age difference from MDS so we may know how far we all drift from each other republishing data from the eduGAIN MDS 'creation date'.

ProposerChris Phillips, CANARIE
Resource requirementsThis is an effort item, likely on eduGAIN OT with some API work too. I estimate it to be small (few days/1 week?), but highly useful and potentially a marketing tool as well.

CAF, obviously (smile)


Rhys Smith, UKf: We've actually just been talking about how something like this would be good. I'm sure Sirtfi folks would be interested in this as well as it directly impacts on the time to full resolution for security incidents mitigated by MD changes.


A Global Trust & Identity Management Lab Platform


The most interesting session that I had at TechEx 2017 ACAMP was


A Global Trust & Identity Management Lab Platform


The most interesting session that I had at TechEx 2017 ACAMP was asking "How do students federate an application?" with and existing - but not solving all of the edge cases for new applications and especially new developers.

A student can pick a framework off the self - run through tutorials and then connect their application to a host of services (Github, Twitter, Facebook) but SAML often isn't an option - and even if it is - there is a lack of enviornments that a student/new developer can jump into to make their tool work. This needs to be solved to support new developers, create a sandbox for development and expose SAML integration for various frameworks.

Include OIDC

ProposerBrook (stolen from Andre Marins idea @ TechEx ACAMP 2017 )
Resource requirements
+/-1'sPotentially a nice idea, but would need to consider the use cases more to decide whether i'm +/- 1 on this - if there would be enough users, and it'd be useful enough to them, then +1. Otherwise, it's a distraction.


Schema Standardisation


Schema standardisation - MACEDir is being rechartered, there is eduPerson,


Schema Standardisation


Schema standardisation - MACEDir is being rechartered, there is eduPerson, SCHAC, where is the global conversation taking place in the eduPerson?

Ability to leverage the relationships with Microsoft and ADFS - Attempted for many years to influence microsoft to improve ADFS not very successful. We need as a global edu community to have some more leverage.

Proposerfrom data gathering exercise
Resource requirements<money? effort? coordination? infrastructure?>
+1'sprobably for REFEDS?



Response Testing for Security Contacts

DescriptionSimple response testing process for security contacts in federation metadata.  Could replicate the process currently used by Trusted Introducer.
ProposerNicole Harris
Resource requirementsmoney, infrastructure

Thomas Lenggenhager (SWITCH) provided you are careful not to annoy the security contacts

Wolfgang Pempe (DFN): our plan is to perform some test alarm at least once a year

Tom Barton: +1, and let's try to ensure that each contact is tested by only one testing activity, ie, perhaps the Geant activity should be formulated as a complement to other activities that are/will test contacts in their federations/areas.

Scott Koranda for LIGO +1

Rhys Smith, UKf: Exactly the same comment as Thomas. Good idea in principal, but have to be VERY careful not to annoy security contacts, as they'll stop responding in a timely manner if all they generally get is test messages. Would suggest consultation with CSIRT folks about how they do this today, and follow that model.


Query service for Sirtfi


Query service for Sirtfi

DescriptionAPI to query whether an entity supports Sirtfi. In addition, a mechanism for asserting Sirtfi compliance outside federation metadata.
ProposerHannah Short (with Nicole Harris and Ann Harding)
Resource requirementsmoney, infrastructure
with Nicole Harris and Ann Harding)
Resource requirementsmoney, infrastructure
CommentsRhys Smith, UKf: Wot Lukas said - Can find this out from MD already? Is there enough evidence from potential users that a different way to get this info would significantly improve their lives?

(Wolfgang Pempe, DFN: outside federation metadata? IMHO not a good idea. This would lead to inconsistencies.)

Tom Barton: Once Wolfgang hears the details, he'll say it's a good idea! (smile)

Lukas Hämmerle, SWITCHaai: I don't exactly see the need for a query service if this information can be relatively easy retrieved from metadata. Then again I suspect this would be relatively easy to implement and given that there is already an API ( to query all sorts of eduGAIN-related things, this would probably be only  a small addition. (Comment from Scott Korand to Lukas–it cannot be easily retrieved from metadata because not enough federations are mature enough to support entitites registering Sirtfi. The descrition includes "outside federation metadata" as it should.)


  • Niels van Dijk: An independent registry outside of eduGAIN may carry a different trust level, and hence could be a resolution to challenges around mixing data with different trust levels. I therefor do not think this is the same thing as "Allow eduGAIN OT to enrich MDS metadata" below.
  • -1: Many doubts. Sounds like an shadow metadata registration and/or confusion of the aggragator / registration roles (Pieter van der Meulen)

Scott Koranda for LIGO +1



Reputation Portal

DescriptionA way to flag bad (or good!) behaviour of entities, e.g. Sirtfi compliance, LoA misuse, CoCo violation
ProposerHannah Short (with Nicole Harris and Ann Harding)
Resource requirementsmoney, infrastructuremoney, infrastructure
CommentsRhys Smith, UKf: Interesting idea in theory, but need to articulate potential users of this portal, how they'd consume the information, who would moderate it (could easily do bad things with such a portal), and who would manage it.

Scott Koranda for LIGO + 1

-1'sSURFnet: Sounds like trying to solve a non technical problem (trust) using technology



Adoption & Outreach Support for eduGAIN BCP

DescriptionBCP for eduGAIN will be launched in 2018. Federations should be supported to gain adoption by campuses
ProposerAnn H on behalf of several
Resource requirementsFunding for outreach and adoption efforts at each GEANT partner, strategic/materials support for all.

Nick Roy, InCommon, SURFnet

Rhys Smith, UKf: Yes.


Allow eduGAIN OT to enrich MDS metadata


Currently, metadata is controlled exclusively by federation operators, which is generally good. However, there will pop up use-cases where it is more efficient, a lot faster and definitely more agile to allow eduGAIN OT to enrich eduGAIN metadata centrally with some entity categories because if all 50+ federations have to do something, it will take years and effort to set some entity category is duplicated for each federation.

ProposerLukas Hämmerle, SWITCH
Resource requirementsPolicy might need to be changed, it would have to be defined what/what not eduGAIN OT reasonably could and should do. Some (limited) implementation effort on MDS might be needed.

Nick Roy, InCommon

Tom Barton: Although "Query service for Sirtfi" above is formulated as a query service, it might best be implemented as an enrichment by eduGain OT to metadata. Should these two proposals become one?

Niels van Dijk, SURFnet: I would be really interested in how distributing the trust between decentralized federations and central OT would work.

Hannah Short, CERN

Constantin Sclifos, RENAM

Scott Koranda, LIGO

+1-1 = 0'sRhys Smith, UKf: -1 because federations should really do this, not eduGAIN, which should just be an aggregator of MD, not producer. But +1 because I understand many federations and central OT would work.

Hannah Short, CERN

Constantin Sclifos, RENAM

Scott Koranda, LIGO

don't and won't have the ability to do new stuff. So my votes cancel themselves out. So ignore me.
-1'sSURFnet: Many worries: role of aduGAIN of aggregator that is now going to modify metadata (SURFnet)



IdP Maturity


In the current eduGAIN SAML Profile work there is an effort to develop BCP to position a lot of the current "step-up" processes we have as a set of best current practice for eduGAIN.  Within eduGAIN, these will be positioned as what we consider mature entities  / federations to look like...and this could even possibly be flagged somehow.  The current requirements of eduGAIN will be promoted purely as a baseline and a "first step" to interoperability (acknowledging use cases that don't need any more than that).  The next logical step from that is to review whether there is any need to offer a central service to manage that maturity level for federations / entities as a bolt on to existing federation operations. This could take on a variety of forms and draw in a lot of the areas that have been proposed here. Options and areas could be:

- More work on the eduGAIN technical database to flag maturity for federation / entities.
- Establishing a REEP instance to allow entities to flag maturity when a federation is less developed.
- Allowing eduGAIN OT to decorate entities with additional information.
- Developing processes to allow MDS to select the most mature entity formulation within federations rather than simply the first submitted.
 -More advanced eduGAIN (including IdP certification, IdP categorisation, ...)
 -Standardise MRPS use
 -Standardise metadata publication practice

ProposerNicole Harris
Resource requirementsIt depends on the direction taken. Man hours in eduGAIN-OT for developing services, work for a policy lead, work to enhance eduGAIN support service. Possible infrastructure development

Nick Roy, InCommon

Rhys Smith, UKf: Sounds interesting, as long as long as we can decide what a "mature" federation/entity is, and who would be consuming this information, and for what purpose.

Nick Roy, InCommon

CommentsSURFnet: It is unclear to us what is the purpose for this work and who will be the users.



Global Push-MDQ Infrastructure

DescriptionBuild a global, shared infrastructure for federations to submit/publish per-entity metadata to eduGAIN, and have those updates be pushed via messaging infrastructure to subscribers. This will enable more rapid metadata updates and a global per-entity metadata distribution infrastructure. It should be possible to accommodate multiple federations submitting/publishing metadata for the same entityIDs, and consumers can subscribe to whichever version they choose. NOTE: This may also facilitate a solution to IdP discovery in a per-entity metadata world.
ProposerNick Roy
Resource requirementsMoney, effort, standardisation, coordination, infrastructure, operations

 Chris Phillips - CANARIE – see related collab area:

Rhys Smith, UKf: Still not 100% convinced of the use case as MDQ is still immature so we don't yet understand its characteristics fully. But an interesting topic to investigate that might have nice properties.



DescriptionFederated AAI is poorly equipped to support SPs in dealing with the depreciation of users by the IdP. Outside of at login time, the SP basically has no way of finding out the user is no longer a user at an institution, save perhaps sending out emails. A mechanism to allow SPs to learn about a user status would help SPs immensely to keep data accurate and at the same time improve privacy and data protection. This activity should investigate push and pull scenarios and propose and implement example solution(s), in collaboration with entities that produce commonly used software products in our space. Retaining the privacy of the enduser in the process is paramount!
ProposerNiels (SURFnet)
Resource requirementsmoney, software dev, standarization

Wolfgang Pempe (DFN): the current approach (at least in our federation) is to perform periodical attribute queries with SAML2 Persistent NameID, which leads to quite some problems.

SURFnet: +1



certbot for all certificate management


Let's Encrypt and the certbot have made certificate management for 1 particular CA very easy and effective. With the addition of ACME v2 this will allow additional CAs to participate and allow the dev/test/production environments to automatically deal with certificates.

Work should also investigate eduPKI and Let'sRADSEC use of this mechanism for certificate maintenance.

TechEx 2016 ACAMP notes:

ProposerBrook (and a cast of thousands)
Resource requirementsPeople, Money, work to get standardisation of "realm validated certificates via RADIUS infrastructure" and maybe other paths.
+1'sGeorgi Tsochev, BREN

Georgi Tsochev, BREN

Rhys Smith, UKf: Certbot is going to take over the world, so we should start doing stuff with it.



eduroam SP-as-a-service


With eduroam Managed IdP, there is a service which takes all RADIUS hassle off of Identity Providers. There is no equivalent for eduroam SPs. I.e. a future eduroam SP either needs to set up a local RADIUS server and connect it to the NRO, or (if the NRO supports it) connect the Wireless Controller directly to an NRO server - losing all advanced features such as VLAN assignment. For small hotspots, there is a possible additional complication if the hotspot has a dynamic IP address, which makes the interconnection via RADIUS' shared secrets infeasible. Right now, such potential hotspots are not serviceable by eduroam infrastructure.

The goal of this activity is to create a self-service web portal where any prospect SP can register his hotspot (requiring sign-off by the NRO; comparable to eduroam Managed IdP) - regardless whether he has a static IP address, a dynamic one, or doesn't even know what an IP address is in the first place. The new hotspot's RADIUS connectivity is tested in real-time (e.g. using a credential from eduroam Managed IdP, a good complement to this service) and the new SP is instantly connected to the eduroam infrastructure. Where the NRO admin confirms that a particular hotspot maps to a specific realm or Managed IdP instance, the SP can even get VLAN ID assignments for his own users (that part of the use case is possibly a bit weak as an SP who does not know about setting up a RADIUS server likely also doesn't know about VLANs to begin with).

For the technicalities of the uplink itself, there should be support for multiple attachment anchors (=RADIUS servers behind the web interface) because geographical proximity to the hotspot is important for performance reasons.

The remaining complexity for the SP which this service will not take away is: phyiscal installation of APs, controllers, and the configuration of those so that they are providing proper local eduroam.

To ensure service quality on such "no clue" SPs, it could be made mandatory to install a probe at the site so eduroam Operations can monitor the hotspot quality.

ProposerStefan Winter
Resource requirements

VM for web interface, VMs for RADIUS attachment anchors, a clever idea how to handle registering hotspots with dynamic or unknown IPshotspots with dynamic or unknown IPs

CommentsRhys Smith, UKf: just to say that Jisc Liberate, our managed SAML IdP/eduroam IdP/eduroam SP/ABFAB IdP/ABFAB SP/web proxy service, will have the eduroam SP bit towards the start of 2018. Stefan's description is a slightly different use case, however, so I think it doesn't really overlap here.
+1's<for others to voice their support - add your name here>Rhys Smith, UKf: sounds like a good way to get new visited eduroam sites on board.


eduroam DEEP Learning

DescriptionBased on Brooks idea, we train a DEEP network to detect eduroam 
breakage based on log-data. Possible joint work with Juniper Research. 
Leif will provide more information
Resource requirementsTo be better scoped, but certainly resources.

I'll give this one a "sounds cool, need more info" Nick Roy, InCommon

Can be integrated via existing diagnostics context: Existing work evaluation#eduroamdiagnostics so gets a +1 from prior endorsements too. (note from AH)

Should x-ref with the network perf folk. Talk to Kurt Baumann(Note from AH).

Georgi Tsochev, BREN 

Rhys Smith, UKf: Wot Nick said.


Scale eduroam infrastructure to the size of WIFI4EU


There were a multitude of reasons why the GÉANT community couldn't run the infrastructure for WIFI4EU.

Sufficient issues were exposed by managing this as a single centrailsed infrastructure (partially addressed by "get eduroam", "eduroam DEEP Learning", "eduroam SP-as-a-Service"). By identifying all the scaling blocks to existing eduroam services we'd be able to offer advice, guidance and technology push into govroam, WIFI4EU and eduroam services to support the existing infrastructure and development in new territories.

Resource requirementsPeople
+1'sGeorgi Tsochev, BREN



Attribute Authority Metadata policy development for eduGAIN


While for IdPs and SPs eduGAIN metadata requirements are well described, no such requirements exist for AAs. We have however already 5 of these entities in eduGAIN.

It would also be a good idea to consider/define what it would mean for an AA to claim CoCo, R&S and Sirtifi support

ProposerNiels van Dijk
Resource requirements
  • Standardization
  • Probably a no-brainer as much can likely be derived from IdP requirements (?)

Constantin Sclifos, RENAM

Nick Roy, InCommon


Rhys Smith, UKf: I think AAs will become more important as we move forward, and there is a gap here in policy that needs thinking about.