The eduTEAMS Demo Service is for demonstration purposes and not for production use. Users can use the demo service to see what eduTEAMS can provide to their communities. Users can use the accounts from their home organisations, as long as they are available in eduGAIN, or other external identity providers. Even though this is a demo service, it does handle real user data. Please read the eduTEAMS Platform Privacy Policy to understand what we do with your data. From time to time, the data on the eduTEAMS Demo Service are going to be deleted.

If you have not joined the eduTEAMS platform already click on the following link 

Join the eduTEAMS Platform

At the end of the process you will return to this page

Create your Virtual Organization

The eduTEAMS Platform has first class support of three of the most popular membership and group management systems. Choose the one that best fits your needs and start using eduTEAMS

  • Fully customizable user flows
  • Can map complex organizational structures (support for hierarchical groups, roles etc)
  • Rich support for a range of data sources and targets

  • Very lightweight and intuitive user interface
  • Service focused with built-in support for service entitlements
  • Hook functionality, announcement functionality

  • Feature rich, more control for the service owners

  • Enhanced privacy controls

  • Sophisticated provisioning / de-provisioning

Join an existing Virtual Organization

Are you member of a community using eduTEAMS?

 Find your Virtual Organization

on the eduTEAMS platform andsend your request to join