Timeframe to apply and Deadlines: quarterly per year. Deadline to apply would be 1 months before the end of the quarter (e.g. end of February (March to announce))

GÈANT and the members of the GÉANT Community Committee invites proposals for a workshop or meeting on topics and focus areas which are not yet covered by the current Task Forces and / or Special Interest Groups.  

This call is open on a quarterly bases and you can apply for it according to the guidelines below:

Meeting / workshop proposals should include:

Accepted meetings / workshop will have an allocated GÉANT coordinator to support the organisation of the meeting / workshop and ensure that quality, standards and process of GÉANT will be met.

All proposed workshop details will be listed under the GCC wiki pages on a quarterly bases.

The decision about approval for funding and support of a one of workshop would take place by the GÉANT Community Programme and notification would take place be the end of each quarter.