DRAFT Agenda - Reset page restrictions - NGN-SC only at this point.

4th & 5th April 2019, Stockholm, Sweden

SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks.

This meeting is the second meeting of the SIG and hosted by SUNET in Stockholm.

Brorsson [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons


"optical" & "whiteboxing"

Remote Particiation

Meeting ID: 338 012 664

Join Zoom Meeting: https://geant.zoom.us/j/338012664
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acBzohYbIm
Join by SIP 338012664@ or 338012664@
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Meeting location: GARR, via dei Tizii 6, Rome

More details on how to get there and where to stay provided on the SIG-NOC wiki.

Quick Links

All Presentations

Checkout #automation on NREN.slack.com (sign up here)

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Contact the NGN Steering Committee


(Insert eventr link when ready.)

Agenda (all times are in CET)

Wednesday 21st November 2018

8th SIG-NOC meeting from midday

Thursday, 22nd November 2018

TimeWhat's happening
9:00 - 12:008th SIG-NOC meeting

Lunch - Efeso il Barrocciaio, Via dei Salentini, 12

14:00- 14:10

Welcome & Introduction - Rob Evans, Jisc & Rudolf Vohnout, CESNET & Edoardo Martelli, CERN at GARR, via dei Tizii 6

14:10-14:30"What do we mean by automation?" - Jerry Sobieski, NORDUnet

"Aristamatic" - Davide Bassani, Arista

15:00-15:30"SURFnet's DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production) street for automation" – Jac Kloots, SURFnet
15:30-16:00Tea and coffee break

"Network automation at GRNET: lessons learned and the way forward" - Yannis Mitsos & Andreas Polyrakis, GRNET

16:30-17:00 "Automation for delivering Campus-Networking as a Service" - Per Nihlén, SUNET
17:00-17:20 "perfSONAR automated mesh deployment with Ansible" - Antoine Delvaux, PSNC
17:20-17:40"High level automation using microservices" - Sonja Filiposka, MARnet
19:30Dinner (at own expense at Ristorante Pizzeria i Fratelli, Via degli Umbri, 14)

Friday, 23rd November 2018

TimeWhat's happening
09:00-09:30"Automation of Photonic layer using NETCONF/YANG Model" - Jan Kundrat, CESNET
09:30-10:00 "Automation at AARNet" - Warrick Mitchell, AARnet (remote presentation)
10:00-10:30   "Continuous deployment through Gitlab" – Anna Wilson, HEAnet
10:30-11:00 Tea and coffee
11:00-11:30 "GTS v6 Community Engagement" – Anke Russell, GÉANT
11:30-12:00 SIG-NGN terms of reference (PDF|PPTX) -  Brook Schofield, GÉANT
12:00-12:30Wrap up, Summary and Next Steps
