Are you interested in any of these offerings or you are not sure which offering best fits your needs? Contact us as

eduTEAMS Service

The eduTEAMS Service is a service provided by GEANT to small and medium sized communities.

The eduTEAMS Service supports multiple communities on the same platform and it is ideal for small and medium sized communities who want to get started with their virtual collaborations and take full advantage of the federated access without having to deal with the complexity of operating and supporting their own AAI.

The eduTEAMS Service provided everything required in order to securely collaborate and use services available to the GEANT community and European Open Science Cloud.

eduTEAMS Dedicated

For communities requiring full control of their AAI, GEANT can host and operate their own, dedicated AAI Service powered by the eduTEAMS technology.

Communities using “eduTEAMS Dedicated” can rely on the operational capabilities and expertise of GEANT, while they are in full control of the policies, configuration and branding of their AAI.

eduTEAMS Bespoke

There are communities that have requirements that go beyond of what the “eduTEAMS Service” and “eduTEAMS Dedicated” packaged offering can provide.

For those communities who require tailor-made functionality, such as integration with custom back-office and front-office systems, new features or enhancing their existing AAIs with new functionality available in eduTEAMS, GEANT can provide bespoke solutions based on the eduTEAMS technology, which can include a combination of consultancy, development and hosting of the service.