4th & 5th April 2019, Stockholm, Sweden

SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks.

This meeting is the second meeting of the SIG and hosted by SUNET in Stockholm.

Brorsson [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons


"whiteboxing" & "optical"

Remote Participation

Meeting ID: 338 012 664

Join Zoom Meeting: https://geant.zoom.us/j/338012664
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Meeting location: SUNET, Tulegatan 11, Stockholm, Sweden.

More details on how to get there and where to stay will be provided.

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Agenda (all times are in CET)

Thursday, 4th April 2019 - "Whiteboxing"

TimeWhat's happening

GÉANT GN4-3 WP6 White boxing workshop

This is open to all SIG-NGN attendees


Xavier Jeannin (Renater), Ivana Golub (PSNC), Tim Chown (Jisc)

In this session we present the work ongoing in the new GN4-3 project in the area of whiteboxing and P4, to solicit input and feedback from the SIG-NGN community.

09:00-09:30White-Box for NREN, lesson learnt, uptake strategy (X. Jeannin, Renater)
09:30-09:50Work planned and use case within the GÉANT project (TBD)
09:50-10:05P4 - brief introduction (Frédéric Loui, Renater)
10:05-10:25Coffee break
10:25-10:50P4 Development of an R&E Network OS based on an open source platform (Frédéric Loui, Renater)
10:50-11:15P4 New uses: network monitoring and security (DDoS mitigation) (FBK team)
11:15-11:30P4 - brief demonstration (X. Jeannin)
11:30-12:00Discussion around adoption
  • Use cases, innovation, new features, concerns, ...
  • How should we build a strong community around white boxing and data plane programming?



Welcome & Introduction - Rob Evans, Jisc, Rudolf Vohnout, CESNET, Edoardo Martelli, CERN, Lars Fischer, NORDUnet, Jac Kloots, SURFnet

13:15-14:00"Whiteboxing at LINX" - Flemming Heino (LINX)
14:00-14:45"P4: Topic TBA" - Aaron A. Glenn

"P4-to-VHDL: How We Built the Compiler for FPGA Devices" - Pavel Benacek & Jan Korenek (CESnet).

15:30-16:00Tea and coffee break

"FPGA and NPU technologies into our next generation production network" - Yatish Kumar (ESnet)

16:45-17:30"ESnet6 High-Touch Services: Telemetry and Rate Monitoring." - Richard Cziva (ESnet)
19:30Dinner (at own expense TBD)

Friday, 5th April 2019 - "Optical"

TimeWhat's happening
09:45-10:30"Disaggregated optical systems" - Kent Lidstrom (Smartoptics)
10:30-11:00 Tea and coffee

"Choosing the right line encoding." - Guy Roberts (GÉANT)

11:45-12:30"OpenROADM Multi Service Agreements" - Rob Smets (SURFnet)
12:30-13:00Wrap up, Summary and Next Steps - Rob Evans, Jisc, Rudolf Vohnout, CESNET, Edoardo Martelli, CERN, Lars Fischer, NORDUnet, Jac Kloots, SURFnet
