Name Personal Data Special Category  Data FormatData
of PD 
Retention PeriodController Contacts Processor Contact Transfer Recipient Controls implemented Interfaces
eduroam RADIUS server logsOuter EAP-identity (username@institution_domain, username can be anonymised but not all users do that), Calling-Station-Id (users MAC address), Chargeable-User-Identity (users anonymous ID)NoDigitaleduroam end users

debugging, providing quality service, monitoring load of system, dimensioning of the system, incident management and preventing fraud and misuse

(f) legitimate  interestETLR located in Netherlands (Surfnet) and Denmark (DEIC)TBDGÉANTSurfnet (Netherlands) DEIC (Denmark)not transferedN/A

(RADIUS + EAP (SSL used), HTTPS), protective measures according to each hosting centre's security policy.

data received from ETLR
eduroam F-ticksrealm, Calling-Station-Id (User’s device MAC address),NoDigitaleduroam end usersdebugging, providing quality service, monitoring load of system, dimensioning of the system, incident management and preventing fraud and misuse(f) legitimate  interestEuropean F-ticks server located in Croatia (Srce)permanentlyGÉANTSrce (Croatia)not transferedN/Aprotective measures according to each hosting centre's security policy.data received from federation level RADIUS servers and optionaly from home and visited institution RADIUS servers
eduroam Database: NRO informationname, e-mail, phone numberNoDigital(N)RO contact, if contact is personperformance of contract between GÉANT and (N)RO(b) contractCroatiapermanently



not transferedN/Aprotective measures according to each hosting centre's security policy.data received form (N)RO
eduroam Database: institution informationname, e-mail, phone numberNoDigitalInstitution contact, if contact is personperformance of contract between GÉANT and institution (IdP or SP)(b) contractCroatiapermanently



not transferedN/Aprotective measures according to each hosting centre's security policy.data received form (N)RO
eduroam Database: service location informationname, e-mail, phone numberNoDigitallocation contact, if contact is personperformance of contract between GÉANT and SP(b) contractCroatiapermanently



not transferedN/Aprotective measures according to each hosting centre's security policy.data received form (N)RO
eduroam CAT (as of version 1.1)

eduPersonTargetedId or equivalent, real name, email address (administrator authentication)

email address of new institution administrator (administrator authorisation)

NoDigitalinstitution administrators

allowing administrators to upload and maintain the information needed to create eduroam installation programs ("installers") within their country / institution (CAT customization)

(b) contractNetherlands (Surfnet)the authorisation status of administrators is retained permanently, TBDGÉANTSurfnet (Netherlands)System sends emails with invitation tokens (one variant to institution administrators for sign-up, one variant to NRO personnel for general status updates)NRO personnelprotective measures according to each hosting centre's security policy.
data received from eduroam SP proxy
eduroam Managed IdP

eduPersonTargetedId or equivalent, real name, email address (administrator authentication)

email address of new institution administrator (administrator authorisation)

usernames of the institution's users (pseudonymous)

Outer EAP-identity (username@institution_domain, username can be anonymised but not all users do that), Calling-Station-Id (users MAC address), Chargeable-User-Identity (users anonymous ID)

NoDigitalinstitution administrators, end usersallowing administrators to upload and maintain the information needed to manage their end user base to the end of creating eduroam installation programs ("installers") within their country / institution, and to authenticate their users in eduroam(b) contractTBDthe authorisation status of administrators is retained permanently, TBDGÉANTTBDSystem sends emails with invitation tokens (one variant to institution administrators for sign-up, one variant to end-users for credentialing, one variant to NRO personnel for general status updates)NRO personnelTBDeduroam database, eduroam SP proxy authentication, administrator input
eduroam Managed SP

eduPersonTargetedId or equivalent, real name, email address (administrator authentication)

email address of new institution administrator (administrator authorisation)

Outer EAP-identity (username@institution_domain, username can be anonymised but not all users do that), Calling-Station-Id (users MAC address), Chargeable-User-Identity (users anonymous ID)

NoDigitalinstitution administrators, end users

allowing administrators to upload and maintain the information needed to manage their hotspot

troubleshooting and statistics of hotspot deployment

(b) contractTBDthe authorisation status of administrators is retained permanently, TBDGÉANTTBDSystem sends emails with invitation tokens (one variant to institution administrators for sign-up,  one variant to NRO personnel for general status updates)NRO personnel, hotspot administratorsTBDeduroam database, eduroam SP proxy authentication, administrator input, logged RADIUS transactions


The table above should be filled with all data which is collected or processed by Geant Services according with Article 30 from GDPR. Below are described all the table's points and also the information they shall be provided to complete this exercise. You can find as well the match between GDPR requirements and the points from Data Mapping marked with (). 

1 Name - Name of the service or project and dataset, if applicable; 

2 (30 1c) Personal Data - Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, it means that could be identified, directly or indirectly through this data,

3 (30 1c) Special Category -   Check if special categories of personal data are processed, eg. racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation. Article 9 of GDPR describes Special categories of Personal data a that can revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. 

4 Data Format -  Physical or Digital;

5 Data Subject -  Natural persons who's personal data are collected and processed; 

6 (30 1b) Purpose -  What is the purpose of data collecting and processing. Personal Data should be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;

7 Legal Bases -  Describe legal bases for data processing as defined in Article 6, one of the following: (a) consent, (b) contract, (c) legal obligation (law), (d) protect vital interest of data subject of another person, (e) public interest or exercise of official authority (law), (f) legitimate  interests Eg.:Contract, Clauses, Terms and Conditions, Agreements, Disclaimers, etc. 

8 Location of Personal Data - Where personal data are stored, database/server, country; 

9 (30 1f) Retention Period - The Personal Data only should be keep for the period previous defined based on Business, Legal or Contratual purposes or Obligations; 

10 (30 1a) Controller Contacts -  The controller means the natural legal person (authority, agency or other body), that is responsible to determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. This point should include the contacts of the Data Protection Officer nominated.  

11 (30 1a) Processor Contacts - The processor means a natural or legal person (authority, agency or other body), witch processes personal data on behalf of the controller. If applicable, this point should include the contacts of the Data Protection Officer nominated. 

12 (30 1e) Transfer  - Description of other services, systems, applications, databases where data are being sent.

13 (30 1d) Recipient -  If applicable, name recipient of personal data; 

14 (30 1g) Controls Implemented - Describe what controls are in place to protect personal data as definied in Article 32, (a) pseudonymisation, encryption; (b) confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience; (c) backup; (d) regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures.Eg.: Anonymised (Encryption) 32a) /  Backup 32 c) / Encrypted Channel 32 b) /Access Control 32 2);

15 Interfaces - Who receive and who send personal data- Service, Applications / What are the channels used for communication / What kind of services are connected eg. internet, firewall, storage devices (Cloud Systems);