eduPERT Training, Zurich, 18/19 November 2010

We held another successful training event in November 2010a, with 17 attendees from various NRENs including some countries that have joined GÉANT recently, or are in the process of doing so. The program was based on the one used for the workshops held in 2008 and 2007. This time we added some case studies, where the instructors walked through some actual cases they had encountered in their PERT work, and at many points asked the audience for their interpretation of the symptoms seen so far, and for suggestions on what to do next. Thanks to the active participation of several attendees, this interactive part turned out to be both enjoyable and instructive, and was well received by the audience. Program and slides are available on the PERT Training Workshop page at TERENA. For convenience, direct pointers can be found below.

Slides and Exercise Materials

Audio/Video Recordings

No recordings were made this time around; you can check out the previous meetings below for videos of some, but not all of the material.

Related pages/Previous Meetings

- Main.SimonLeinen - 18 December 2010