Welcome to the eduPERT@TNC15 Advanced Training wiki!

We are really looking forward to meeting you in Porto, and we have prepared an excellent set of information and practical hands-on exercises which we hope will take your use of perfSONAR (and some other tools too!) to the next level.

Before the training

In order to take part in the training you have a little preparation work to do, all the information for that can be found at the 'Before the Training' page, so please be sure to follow the instructions there in good time before the training. We're pushed for time, so it's really important that you make sure you are ready to go when you arrive, there will be no time to set yourself up at the training itself. Do not leave this until the last minute,  as you might come across some issues which take longer than you think. If you have any questions at all, you can ask the discussion list (edupert-tnc2015@switch.ch), your question could help someone else at the training with the same issue!

There is an option to install mininet onto your own laptop in a VM (using VirtualBox for example), and full instructions have been provided to help you get up and running.

During the training

The sub-page 'During the Training' will be the place to go to to find the training materials and relevant links to tools and technologies. It also has the connection details for the VMs we'll be using during the training.

After the training

We have worked hard to make this training as useful as possible, but we know we're no perfect. We'd really like to hear your feedback so that we can continue to improve the training in the future.