Publicly available information on each case the PERT investigates is given in the pages listed below

Case #TitleClientOpenedClosed
2Low data throughput for e-VLBI projectJIVE6 May 0521 Jul 06
3DEISA TCP throughput suffers from cross trafficDEISA30 May 051 Mar 06
4Performance Problems between FNAL and DESYDEISA19 Jul 0520 Nov 06
5Low throughput MU - LSUCESNET29 Jul 0527 Sep 05
6Slow upload from DANTE offices to PERT TWiki at SWITCHDANTE8 Sep 0525 Sep 05
7Poor ftp performance to ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.govIUCC14 Nov 0523 Nov 05
8DEISA-Teragrid performanceDEISA14 Nov 055 Jan 06
9DEISA decrease in throughput between IDRIS and other sitesDEISA21 Nov 0610 Mar 06
10Opera Oberta: preliminary measurementsSWITCH12 Dec 0513 Dec 05
11Large packets lost between Onsala and StockholmOnsala Observatory23 Jan 0614 Feb 06
12Peering problem with AS3300?IUCC16 Feb 0616 Feb 06
13Low performance between Budapest and TriesteHUNGARNET7 Mar 0623 Jun 06
14Below expected throughput, Budapest to New YorkDANTE12 Apr 0620 Aug 07
15ITER VPN connectionITER24 Apr 0614 Jul 06
16Routing to USA going via JapanIUCC16 May 0631 May 06
17Slow file transfer UK to various European DEISA sitesDEISA30 Jun 0613 Jul 06
18Slow file transfers between TIGO (CL) and JIVE (NL)JIVE16 Aug 052 Nov 06
19Poor throughput from London to New York GN2 MPDANTE2 Oct 0618 Oct 06
20Problem in aggregating data streamsMetsähovi Observatory8 Nov 0613 Nov 06
21Poor TCP performance on a L2 circuitDANTE8 Nov 0610 Nov 06
22TIGO-Europe throughput check post REUNA upgradeJIVE23 Nov 0618 Jan 07
23Congested links to SHERNEUMEDCONNECT20 Dec 0627 Feb 07
24Thruput: GSFC to TAU (Israel)IUCC9 Jan 079 Mar 07
25Slow downloads from GEANT2 webserver to SWITCHSWITCH29 Jan 077 Feb 07
26Italy to Japan space agencies - low throughputESA30 Jan 076 Feb 07
27Bandwidth problem at Hephy ViennaACOnet15 Mar 0716 Mar 07
28Request for information - nCap [requested info provided]GRID500019 Mar 072 Apr 07
29Low level packet loss on GÉANT2 DK-DEDANTE21 Jun 0727 Jun 07
30ESA Performance problemESA11 Jul 0721 Aug 07
31Throughput between JIVE and Shanghai ObservatoryDANTE20 Jul 0728 Aug 07
32TCP throughput Problem on 150ms path between 10GE connected endsystemsDFN8 Nov 07-
33Throughput tests (IT-IN) for APAN Medical Working GroupAPAN20 Jul 0728 Aug 07
34Packet loss for packets sent over GEANT2 - TeliaRESTENA31 Mar 0830 Apr 08

-- TobyRodwell - 26 Jan 2007