RNP provides to its clients a modern and high-performance network service, allied with communication services and distance collaboration applications portfolio that supports its education and research activities. It is present in all states, through 27 Points of Presence, which form the backbone of the national academic network, the Ipê network.

It is an optic network infrastructure, to which 1.237 campuses and units in the capital cities and in the states’ countryside are connected and through which they exchange a large volume of data and information in a worldwide level. Such organizations that make up RNP are the main higher education institutions and producers of knowledge and innovation in Brazil, encompassing mostly universities, institutes and research units, at a federal and state level, teaching hospitals and museums.

RNP - Brazilian NREN


https://www.rnp.br/en (English)

General contact


https://www.rnp.br/en/contact (English)

Security services


https://www.rnp.br/en/services/security (English)

Policy DocumentsRNP´s Information Security Policy (corporative, non public)
Report security incidentsCorporative: servicedesk@rnp.br
External: cais@rnp.br
Report phishings and malicious URLsphishing@cais.rnp.br and artefatos@cais.rnp.br
RNP CSIRTcais@rnp.br
List of academic CSIRTs


RNP´s constituency

AS 1916 and many other IP blocks

In general: Brazilian Academics and Research Institutions (universities, research centers, hospitals in universities, museums, etc)

Infosec Collaboration & cooperationliliana.solha@rnp.br