***Minutes from the first day of the Workshop***

Agenda - 12th of September (Monday)

Arrival and Lunch

Welcome and round of Introduction
Alf Moens - SURF


Information security governance in universities – status and challenges in the Norwegian HE sector 
Tommy Tranvik - University of Oslo

14:00-14:30Setting the scope for your ISMS (slides)
James Davis - Jisc
14:30-15:00Coffee break

Enterprise Security Architecture
Fotis Gagadis - GÉANT 


WISE Report - Results from TNC and XSEDE
Alf Moens - SURF (sheets)

16:00-17:00Open discussion on the future direction of SIG-ISM:
How to strengthen trust among the NRENs. 
17:30-22:00Sightseeing by boat followed by social dinner - Sponsored by UNINETT

Agenda - 13th of September (Tuesday)


Arrival and coffee


Working groups and open discussion with all participants

11:00-11:30Coffee break
11:30 - 12:45

Working groups and open discussion with all participants

12:45 - 13:00Wrap-up
13:00 - 14:00Lunch