CSC is a Finnish center of expertise in ICT that provides ICT expert services at an internationally high level of quality for research, education, culture, public administration and enterprises, to help them thrive and benefit society at large.

We harness our expertise, networks and IT to boost our customers' success. We work closely with our customers on a non-profit basis. The purpose of our operations is to benefit our customers. Customers receive solutions tailored precisely to their needs (not too large, not too small). Our own expertise evolves together with that of our customers, which is what a real partnership is all about.

We proactively seek out innovations and new services through international cooperation to benefit our customers. Our mandate is to keep Finland at the cutting edge.

Funet (Finnish University and Research Network) is a high-speed data communications network serving the Finnish research community. It connects about 80 research organizations and about 370 000 users. CSC maintains and develops the Funet network.

General contact information
Head of Securitysecurity at Urpo Kaila
Data Protection Officerprivacy at Urpo Kaila
Information on Security
Incident handling
Contact information (if public)