Brussels, Belgium - 5-6 October 2017

At the 4th SIG-ISM Workshop in February 2017, the group started actively working in two working groups:

In the agenda for the meeting in September:

We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels!

If you have questions regarding the meeting, please contact Sigita Jurkynaite (

Agenda and Presentations


The meeting will be held at the BELNET office (Avenue Louise 231, 1050 Brussels, Belgium)
Map location -


The building is located in the "Quartier Bailli/Baljuwwijk" business district. This neighbourhood is easily accessible by public transport. There are several private parkings operated nearby. However, traffic conditions might be very unfavorable to the use of your private car.

The building is located at equal distance from stop Vleurgat and stop Bailli/Baljuw (300m - 5 minutes walking)

For more information, please consult the following websites SNCB and STIB


There are many hotels in the area in different price ranges. 

Recommended hotels within walking distance of the BELNET offices:

Remote participation

It will be possible to connect remotely to the workshop. 


Please register here.