The achievements and KPIs for the third year

Planned achievementsKPIsDue Date
Maintain a trusted network for sharing best practices and information, increase NREN participation

2 workshops a year + SIG-ISM open meeting at TNC18

Dec 2018

Support regional collaboration groups

2 blog posts to (1) inform the NREN community about the regional groups (2) follow up on their progress at the end of the year

Organise regional groups meetings + sessions at SIG-ISM workshops

Dec 2018

Support and promote Working Group 3 - Security Awareness

Set up a mailing list

Blog post to inform the NREN community about the WG

Presentation at TNC18 SIG-ISM session

Sep 2018

2/3 achieved

Implementation of security management for NRENs

A set of documents produced and published




The achievements and KPIs for the second year

Planned achievementsKPIsDue Date
Create and maintain a trusted network for sharing best practices and information

2 workshops a year

Chat room

Dec 2017

Increase NREN participation and regional collaboration in the area of information security management

Set up 2-3 regional groups
Engage 2-3 new NREN members

Dec 2017

Design an inventory for security officersDesign a structure for an online platform
Collect information from 4 pioneering NRENs/Institutions

Sep 2017

Implementation of security management for NRENs

Set up a working group
First documents produced and published


The achievements and KPIs for the first year

Planned achievements and KPIs


Two meetings organised and held either online or face to face;

July 2016

An activity report for the Technical Committee;

July 2016

Steering Committee members from at least 3 different organisations.

August 2015

The activity report of the first year: Activity Report Year 1 (1st of July 2015 - 30th of June 2016)